التجديد والابتكار تعليم اللغة العربية لارتقاء بالمهارات اللغوية في العصر الألفي بالمدرسة الثانوية الوطنية، منطقة بوتراجايا 8 (1) ماليزيا دراسة تطبيقية


  • LY AMINAS Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung


Renewal and Innovation teaching Arabic, Upgrading language skills, The millennium era, National Secondary School, Putrajaya District 8 (1)


The school is renewing the teaching of Arabic to improve language skills in the millennium era by determining effectiveness before and after using teaching techniques such as planning to teach and learning in different ways so that students do not get bored and increase their interest in learning Arabic. Providing educational materials for the new millennium and developing students' linguistic wealth. Research objectives: 1) To reveal the language programs and activities implemented for students and teachers during teaching and learning the Arabic language to improve the four skills: listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill, and writing skill in the National Secondary School, Putrajaya District 8 (1) in the millennium era. 2) Knowing the methods of implementing the applied language programs and activities for students and teachers during teaching and learning to improve language skills in the millennium era for students, at the National Secondary School, Putrajaya District 8 (1) in the millennium era. National Secondary School, Putrajaya District 8 (1) in the millennium era. This research is a qualitative field approach. The researcher collected information as it is in language books, theses, academic research, internet articles, and other writings related to the research topic: Renewal and Innovation Education Arabic language to improve language skills in the millennium era at the National Secondary School, Putrajaya District 8 (1), in the millennium era, an applied study In this school, to improve the four language skills, its implementation will be by distributing questionnaires and conducting interviews with Arabic language teachers, as well as personal observations in this school, then analyzing the data to reach their results. The results of the research indicate that the school renews the tribalism in teaching Arabic to improve language skills in this era, including in various programs and activities such as the Arab camp, the spelling contest, the writing contest, the dialogue contest, the storytelling contest, and tests on language skills online through "Kahoot". Or Quizzes.” These programs and activities help the school a lot in solving some challenges, facilitating and students’ desire to learn them. Students can master Arabic words easily. All students can understand words well based on the images in the video, especially in listening skills. All students can listen carefully to the statements or the text of the dialogue using the audio media. Students can learn how to build sentences easily when they read each Arabic word repeatedly especially in reading skills. Students can use audio-visual aids in the classroom or in the language lab and they are given ample opportunity to express what they have heard or read, as well as encourage them to talk to each other. Students can know the ways of learning to write whether it is for the purpose of dictation or written expression, it will also give them enough opportunity to write words, structures, sentences and paragraphs in good writing.


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