Transformatıon Strategıes of School Prıncıples ın Increasıng Learnıng Effectıveness Post-Covıd-19 Pandemıc at Mts Maarif NU 2 Sutojayan Blitar


  • Eti Rohmawati MTs Arrosidiyah Tulungagung
  • Suprihno STAI Muhammadiyah Tulungagung

Kata Kunci:

Learning Effectiveness, Covid-19, Transformational Strategy


The Covid- 19 pandemic poses a significant challenge to leadership in schools around the world. Empowering teachers during the pandemic with some transformative strategies is absolutely necessary. The aim is to maintain the continuity of education in schools and empower teachers to stay close to the 4 (four) teacher competencies; pedagogic competence, social competence, personality competence and professional competence.

This study aims to reveal the principal's strategy to build teacher skills so that they have a greater impact on the school system, as well as foster teacher confidence. The application of this transformative leadership can contribute to empowering teachers to improve the effectiveness of learning in their schools in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, Researchers formulate problems (1) How is the Principal Transformation Strategy in increasing the effectiveness of learning after the Covid-19 pandemic and (2) How is the Effectiveness of Learning which is carried out at MTs Maarif NU 2 Sutojayan Blitar to improve learning effectiveness.

Methods This research uses a field study with a descriptive qualitative approach . The research was carried out at MTs Maarif NU 2 Sutojawan Blitar, for 2 months, on June 5 – August 5, 2022. Data collection techniques were through observation, interviews, and documentation. Technical data analysis is a single data analysis technique by taking the method from Miles and Hubberman & Saldana.

The results show the conclusion that school principals have a strategic role in overseeing the success of the learning process after the COVID-19 pandemic. Three transformations of the principal's learning at MTs Maarif NU 2 Sutojayan Blitar in increasing the effectiveness of learning (1) granting autonomy to teachers, (2) transformation of emotional intelligence and (3) transformation of collaboration. The effectiveness of learning is carried out by (1) strengthening the capacity of CAR to review essential material, (2) compiling learning blocks, (3) carrying out blended learning practices when learning directly (offline), and (4) returning students from character lost and lost learning.


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