Need Assessment of Augmented Reality-Based Science Learning Media on Solar System Material


  • Akhmad Haryanto Stated Islamic University of Salatiga
  • Erna Risfaula Kusumawati Stated Islamic University of Salatiga

Kata Kunci:

Need Assesment, Learning Media, Augmented Reality


Science learning must be able to explain the abstractness of the concepts and theories in it. Science learning design includes, models, methods and the right media are certainly very influential on the success of science learning in the classroom. Learning media has an important role to convey abstract material content to be easily understood by students. This study aims to analyze the needs of teachers for Augmented Reality-based science learning media on Solar System material. The subjects of this study were madrasah ibtidaiyah class teachers in Brebes district. The research model used is descriptive quantitative with questionnaire data collection methods through google form. Data analysis techniques used quantitative descriptive methods using percentages. The results of this study are that 75% of teachers have difficulty in instilling the concept of Solar System material in students; 70% of teachers have not utilized the available learning media; and 100% of teachers are interested in computer and smartphone-based science learning media. From these data, teachers need augmented reality-based learning media that can be used on computer and smartphone devices.


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