Al-Tahkim Al-Tsawabit and Res Judicata Doctrine Reconciling Islamic Law Principles into Constitutional Court Decisions


  • Syamsul Hidayat Magister of Islamic Economic Law, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
  • Isman Magister of Islamic Economic Law, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta


This research aims to utilize the concepts of "al-tahkim" and "al-tsawabit" based on the Maqashidul Quran to examine the doctrine of res judicata as the primary argument for declaring the Constitutional Court's decisions as final and binding, thus preventing them from being contested. However, certain Constitutional Court decisions at the intersection of human rights and religious life may raise academic concerns, such as the recognition of Aliran Kebatinan as a religion, despite its ritual system resembling Islam. Using a qualitative approach, this study analyzes Islamic jurisprudence, constitutional law literature, and relevant legal cases where "tahkim" and "ats tsawabit" were invoked. It also delves into Islamic sources like the Quran, Sunnah, and scholarly consensus to identify foundational principles. The findings underscore how these concepts can guide the interpretation of legal principles, such as the Res Judicata doctrine, ensuring justice, fairness, and the preservation of rights while harmonizing Islamic jurisprudence with constitutional principles. This research contributes to the reconciliation of Islamic legal principles with constitutional law, offering insights for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers grappling with this intersection. It alleviates academic concerns and promotes justice and fairness in constitutional contexts.


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