Equitable Education: The Role of Prophetic Values in Madrasah Teaching Practices
Kata Kunci:
Prophetic Values, Personality Competence, Educational EqualityAbstrak
This study aims to investigate how teachers' prophetic values are utilized to promote educational equality in Madrasah Islamiyah Ngoro Jombang. The research was conducted using a qualitative phenomenological approach and involved interviews with the madrasah head and teachers of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Islamiyah Ngoro Jombang, located in East Java. The study found that prophetic values such as self-awareness, emotion regulation, mind control, openness, empathy, sincerity, discipline, independence, and ethical courage were implemented by the teachers to create a fair and equal educational environment. These values are aligned with the characteristics of Prophet Muhammad SAW, including Sidiq (self-awareness, emotion regulation), Amanah (discipline, independence, ethical courage), Fatonah (mind control, openness of attitude), and Tablig (empathy, sincerity). Educational equity is achieved when all students have equal rights and opportunities to receive an education, which is a fundamental principle of an inclusive educational environment. This research highlights the importance of prophetic values in teacher personality competence to promote educational equality. The madrasah principal can adopt this model of implementing prophetic values to develop teachers' personality competence and provide equal educational services to all students.
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