Political Research Models of Syafi'i Ma'arif


  • Muhammad Nur Khalim State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Nailul Izzah University of Darussalam Gontor

Kata Kunci:

Islamic studies, Research, Politic, Muhamamd Syafi’I Ma’arif


The study of Islam is not only carried out by a Muslim but also attracts the attention of non-Muslims, the term for Islamic studies for westerners is called Islamic Studies, while the term that emerged among Muslims is Dirasah Islamiyah, and in simple terms it is known as Islamic Studies. The progress and decline of Islam can be said to be the participation of Muslim scientists in contributing their thoughts. One of the causes of the decline of Islam in the modern century cannot be separated from the reluctance of scholars to integrate between Islam and its development so that Islam has stagnated in facing the problems of the times. No exception in political affairs, the role of politics attracts attention among the community because the influence of politics itself gives influence to their interests. it is not separated from politics at that time so that with the political success achieved by Muslims has facilitated the spread of Islam as widely as possible. In this discussion, the author presents the political research model of Syafi’I Ma’arif


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