Does Genre-Based Approach Improve Students' Writing Recount Texts?
Kata Kunci:
genre-based approach, writing skill, recount textAbstrak
This research aims to investigate potential variations in the students' writing performance of the students both before and after the implementation of a genre-based approach. The focus is on enhancing students' proficiency in composing recount texts through this approach. The study adopts a single-subject experimental design, with data gathered through a recount text writing test. The sample comprises 19 participants from X IPA Class of MA Al-Fathimiyah. Analysis of the data involves the use of paired t-test and N-gain technique to assess changes in students' writing abilities. Results from the paired sample t-test reveal differences in writing talents before and after the genre-based approach. Furthermore, N-Gain test results demonstrate an improvement in students' writing skills following the adoption of the genre-based approach in recount text composition significantly.
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