
  • Ardiansyah Latif, FN H Stated Islamic University of Salatiga
  • Eni Titikusumawati Stated Islamic University of Salatiga

Kata Kunci:

Teaching materials, Mathematics, PhET, Fractional Numbers


This research answers the low student learning outcomes due to less interesting learning. This research aims to develop mathematics teaching materials based on PhET Interactive Simulation videos and obtain PhET videos that are valid, practical, and effective. The research method used is the Research and Development (R&D) method with the ADDIE model which includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stages. The subjects of this research were 28 class IV students at MI Tegalwaton, Tengaran District. Data collection techniques used were interviews, FGD, questionnaires, and documentation. The validation stage of teaching materials is carried out by asking for assessments from material experts and media experts. The average result of the material expert assessment was 91.5% which was in the very valid category and the result of the media expert assessment was 83.4% which was in the very valid category. The results of student responses in the limited trial were 89.5% in the very effective category and in the extensive trial, it was 88.63% in the very effective category. The students' pretest results got an average score of 69.2 and the students' posttest results got an average score of 79.6. There was an increase in the learning outcome scores between the students' pretest and posttest so the learning videos developed were considered effective. So it can be stated that this PhET video is valid, practical, and effective.


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(Cet.3). Alphabet.

