The Effectiveness of Fluency Bridge Technique at Constructing the Speaking Skills of the Tenth Grade Students at MAN Temanggung
Effectiveness, Constructing, Speaking Skills, Fluency Bridge TechniqueAbstract
Since English was only used as a Foreign Language in Indonesia, Indonesian people had relatively low average level of fluency in English, particularly in speaking. Therefore, in an attempt to enhance the speaking skills of the Indonesian people, the researcher conducted this research by implementing Fluency Bridge Technique. In this case, this research followed two primary objectives namely; investigating the effectiveness of Fluency Bridge Technique in the English teaching and learning activities and constructing the speaking skills of the 10th grade students at MAN Temanggung, Central Java. Using Classroom Action Research as the design of the research, the researcher obtained and gathered the data by comparing the speaking performance of the 69 participants from the 10th grade science 5 which applied Fluency Bridge Technique and the 10th grade science 6 in which Fluency Bridge Technique was not applied, through pre-test, observation, post-test, questionnaire as well as standardized interview as techniques of data collection. The result revealed that the 10th grade science 5 achieved better speaking performance and showed significant improvement in their speaking skills with the class average score of 71.88. On the other hand, the 10th grade science 6 showed little improvement and even deterioration on their speaking performance with the class average score of 65.93. In accordance with these research data, Fluency Bridge Technique was proven to be an effective teaching technique that enhanced the level of students’ speaking skills measured from their pronunciation, grammatical accuracy, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.
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