Qouliyah-Kauniyah Verse Relation (Integration of the Qur'an with Science in the Discourse of Interpretation)


  • Shofwan Al Jauhari State Islamic Institute of Fattahul Muluk, Papua
  • Rifqi As’adah State Islamic University of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
  • Hendra Yulia Rahman State Islamic Institute of Fattahul Muluk, Papua


The birth of tafsir with the pattern of 'Ilmi' tafsir is proof that the study of science and the Qur'an cannot be separated and will continue to develop, this is clear evidence of the relationship between the kauniyah verse and the qauliyah verse. This research seeks to examine the nature of the verse qauliyah and verse kauniyah, how both are fused, and also how the pattern of scientific development produces tafsir ilmi which is not far from the rules of interpretation that have been set by the mufassirun.  This research method uses a qualitative method with a literature research approach. This study concludes that the relationship between the Qur'an and science can be seen through the many scientific truths described in the Qur'an that show the integration between the two. Mufasirs try to combine the findings of scientific theories with the exposure of the verses of the Qur'an. However, many interpreters are eventually trapped by the element of subjectivity in the application of interpretation so that it seems that the verse of the Qur'an is used to legitimize the scientific theory. This is certainly not in line with the standard rules of tafsir science. For this reason, some principles of interpretation are needed, so that the element of subjectivity of interpretation can be avoided. Additional principles in addition to the main principles that have been standardized required for a mufassir, there are other additions, namely: mastery of the right language, scientific discoveries do not contradict the verses of the Qur'an by paying attention to the context between words or verses, the nature of scientific discoveries does not exceed the editorial content of the verses.


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