Kata Kunci:
Religious Behavior, Korean DramaAbstrak
This article discusses the impact of Korean dramas on changes in religious behavior among generation Z. Korean dramas have become a global phenomenon and are very popular among the younger generation, including generation Z. This article aims to examine how Korean dramas can influence the religious behavior of generation Z. In the article In this article, the author explains how Korean dramas can be a source of inspiration for generation Z in living their daily lives, including in religious aspects. The research object used is generation Z in Surabaya. Korean dramas often depict strong moral and ethical values, which can influence viewers to reconsider their religious values. However, the author also underlines that the influence of Korean dramas is not always positive, and some generation Z religious behavior may also be influenced by negative aspects in these dramas. This article also includes research results and case studies that support the argument about the influence of Korean dramas on the religious behavior of generation Z. In conclusion, a deeper understanding of how Korean dramas can influence the religious behavior of generation Z, by providing important insights in understanding changes in values and actions in the context of modern society influenced by media.
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