Understanding Hadith Crying in Approach Self Transcendence


  • Alvin Afifah State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Muhid State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Budi Ichwayudi State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Sellyana Verawati State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Kata Kunci:

Crying, Hadith, Self Transcendence


Crying is an activity that cannot be avoided in human life, even the Prophet, who is the closest servant
to Allah SWT, has also cried. However, in this discussion, it is more directed at one's crying that can
bring oneself closer to Allah SWT, namely the hadith narrated by Sunan Ibn Ma>jah Index Number
4197 which is related to the Self Transcendence approach. The method used in this research is
qualitative, with the study of Ma'a>ni> al-H}adith which is connected through the Self Transcendence
approach with the main sources used in this research are the Book of Sunan Ibn Ma>jah, Tahdhi>bu al
Kamal Fi> Asmai al-Rija>l, al-Qur'an, Journals, and Books that have relevance in the discussion. The
result of this study is the quality of the Hadith narrated by Sunan Ibn Ma>jah which is hasan li ghairih,
and this Hadith is a maqbul ma'amul bihi Hadith or can be used as an evidence. In this Hadith, the
Prophet ordered his people to cry out of fear of Allah, because someone who cries out of fear of Allah
will be forbidden to enter hell, and this Hadith is closely related to the theory of self-transcendence,
because the theory of self-transcendence itself is a spiritual need, which makes a person better, which
will motivate a person to love the creator more, be more grateful for the blessings given and avoid the
hardness of the heart.



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