Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd): Utilization Frequencies in EFL Writing Class of Higher Education


  • Riana Atik Yustiana State Islamic University of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
  • Arina Shofiya State Islamic University of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
  • Erna Iftanti State Islamic University of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung

Kata Kunci:

artificial intelligence in education, digital awareness, frequency, writing in higher education


Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd) has been a very popular subject of many studies (Zawacki-Ritcher, 2019). The emergence of various online AIEd platforms is an interesting topic to discuss. One of the most popular AIEd is QuillBot. Several studies regarding perception, views, content analysis, and experimental studies dealing with this application have been done. However, students’ frequency of utilizing each feature of QuillBot has not been discussed yet. Therefore, the objectives of this research are to seek students’ awareness of the emergence of AI, such as QuillBot, for writing, how frequently students incorporate QuillBot in writing activities, and also their reasons for integrating QuillBot in writing activities. The study is a survey research design that employs a questionnaire to collect the data. 22 EFL students from several semesters at Nahdatul Ulama University of Blitar were selected randomly as participants. The findings show that the majority of students are aware of QuillBot's existence and have experience using it, and their frequency level of using QuillBot’s features is average, as indicated by 55% of their overall score. Further, the most frequent feature used by the students is Paraphraser, which they access using their computer to check sentence grammar, level up the quality of their writing, and avoid plagiarism.


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