Locality Study of Tafsir Faid al-Rahman


  • Lailatus Syafa’ah UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
  • Ahmad Zainal Abidin UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung

Kata Kunci:

interpretation, locality, archipelag


In this article, the author wants to convey the locality found in the Indonesian Tafsir books. Locality in a Nusantara tafsir book is one of the triggers for the quality of the interpretation, because linking the locality side of a Nusantara tafsir book is considered important. And how the book can be conveyed according to the aims and objectives of a mufassir. One of them is Faid al-Rahman's interpretation, where this interpretation is recognized as the first interpretation using the local language, namely Javanese. In writing this time, we put more emphasis on using the bibliographic method, because we see that this book has become one of the manuscripts in the archipelago. With these efforts, a concept about the locality of Indonesian tafsir is found in Faid al-Rahman's book of tafsir, where the book of tafsir is the written work of KH. Sholeh Darat. In the writing process, he used a Sufistic approach but without reducing suitability to the surrounding social conditions. Verse after verse is interpreted by prioritizing monotheism of Allah. Apart from that, this interpretation has also succeeded in attracting local people from various circles so that they can easily understand the implied and explicit meaning of each verse of the Qur’an.


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