The Effectiveness of Using Instagram Vlog Toward Students’ Speaking Skill of The Eight Graders at MTs ImamAl Ghozali Tulungagung
Kata Kunci:
Speaking Skill, Instagram, VlogAbstrak
Learning to communicate effectively in spoken English is a critical part of being fluent in the language. Teachers in the modern era have more leeway to experiment with new forms of oral communication drills thanks to the technological advances made available by social media. Since Instagram Vlog encourages users to create and share interesting videos about their educational experiences, it might be a useful social media platform for students to use as a speaking practice. The following is the statement of the research problem that guided this investigation: “Is there any significant difference scores on students’ speaking skill before and after taught by using Instagram vlog of the eight graders at MTs Imam Al Ghozali Tulungagung”. The objective of this research is “To verify significant difference scores on students’ speaking skill before and after taught by using Instagram vlog of the eight graders at MTs Imam Al Ghozali Tulungagung”. The research followed a quasi-experimental design, employed quantitative methods, and included a pre- and post-test for the same group of participants. Students from MTs Imam Al Ghozali's eighth grade participated in the study. Twenty-five eighth graders from MTs Imam Al Ghozali were randomly chosen for the study, with 11 men and 14 females. The majority of the information was gathered by means of quizzes. A t-test was performed on the data to determine its significance. Results suggest that Instagram Vlog helped eighth graders at MTs Imam Al Ghozali enhance their public speaking skills. Before students started using Instagram to create Vlogs, their average speaking proficiency was 52.25. However, when students' Instagram Vlogs were used in the classroom, their GPAs rose from 78.4 to 80.76. In order for the hypothesis to be considered statistically significant, the p-value must be less than or equal to 0.050. As a result, we go with Ha and against H0. It can be conclude that there is any significant different score of the students speaking skill before and after being taught by using Instagram Vlog of the eight graders at MTs Imam Al Ghozali Tulungagung.
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