
  • Dinda Novi Nuris Setyowati State Islamic University of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
  • Qomarul Huda State Islamic University of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
  • Ning elok mukarromah State Islamic University of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung

Kata Kunci:

Honorarium, Educators, Maqashid Syariah


This thesis research is motivated by the existence of various problems in the world of education, especially in terms of honorarium for educators who are not civil servants. There is no specific regulation regarding the standards for awarding honorariums which causes the awards to vary according to the capabilities of the school so that the welfare of the teaching staff is considered unsatisfactory.

The research focus in this research includes: (1) How is the Honorarium System for Honorary Educators at YPI Darul Huda Sumber Pojok Ngantru Tulungagung? (2) what is the policy of the local government in supervising the honorarium system for teaching staff? (3) What is the Conformity of the Honorarium with the Performance of Honorary Educators Based on Maqashid Syariah Fii Muamalah? The objectives of this research are: 1). To find out the the Honorarium System for Honorary Educators at YPI Darul Huda Sumber Pojok Ngantru Tulungagung; 2). To find out the local government's policy in supervising the honorarium system for Honorary Educators at YPI Darul Huda Sumber Pojok Ngantru Tulungagung; 3). To find out Honorarium Compatibility with Honorary Educator Performance Based on Maqashid Syariah Fii Muamalah. This type of research is empirical juridical, with a sociological approach. The nature of this research is analytical descriptive, namely examining primary data and complemented by secondary data.

From the results of this reearch, the authors concluded that: (1). The honorarium system for teaching staff at YPI Darul Huda Sumber Pojok uses 2 systems, namely the time system and the fixed honorarium system. The existence of a written agreement is in accordance with Islamic law because there is a contract in muamalah. (2) the government's policy in supervising the honorarium of teaching staff includes trying to provide various incentives including BSU, GBNS, Performance Allowances and others. (3). In practice at YPI Darul Huda Sumber Tulungagung that khuliyat al khamsah (Hifdz Diin, Hifdz Nafs, Hifdz Aql, Hifdz Nasl, Hifdz Maal) which exist in maqashid syariah have all been realized properly in accordance with field conditions except 1, namely in the matter of hifdz Maall is property keeper.


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