Analysis of the Implementation of the All One System Curriculum and Correlated Curriculum in the Organization of the Islamic Religious Education Curriculum at SDIT Nurul Islam Pare


  • Umi Mahdyyah Nabila State Islamic University of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
  • Agus Zaenul Fitri State Islamic University of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung


Curriculum organization, Islamic religious education, PAI


The development of science in the era of globalization has had a major impact on the world of education in Indonesia. Globalization not only has a positive impact, but also has a negative impact on the nation's generation. One example of the negative impact of globalization is the degradation of character and morals. This moral degradation is also found among students today. This is of course the main focus of Indonesian education at the moment, where Indonesian education not only produces a generation that is intelligent but also has moral character and noble character. The current moral collapse of students makes the responsibility for Islamic religious education even higher. Therefore, Islamic education should be provided and applied to every aspect of learning activities or processes. Of course, the implementation of Islamic religious education in all these aspects must be well planned and organized in a school's curriculum. This research focuses on how the implementation of the Islamic religious education curriculum organization model occurs at SDIT Nurul Iman Pare. This research includes qualitative research using a descriptive approach. Data collection in this research uses interview techniques which will later be analyzed using interactive analysis according to Miles and Huberman. The results of this research explain that SDIT Nurul Islam Pare has organized the PAI curriculum well. This can be seen through the combination of two curriculum organization models, namely All in One System Curriculum and Correlated Curriculum. The aim of combining the two models is to make it easier for students to achieve learning goals. The implementation of these two models certainly requires good collaboration between teachers.


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