Curriculum Management in Improving the Quality of Education at Al Kamal Blitar Integrated Islamic Boarding School
Kata Kunci:
Management Curriculum, Quality of GraduatesAbstrak
This research is motivated by the low quality of graduates produced by educational institutions in Indonesia, especially Islamic boarding schools. Apart from that, Islamic boarding school must be able to maintain their existence as education providers by producing quality graduates who meet competency standards and community needs. The research purpose are to determine curriculum planning, curriculum implementations, and curriculum evaluation in improving the quality of graduates at the Al Kamal Islamic boarding school.. The author uses qualitative research methods with a single case study type of research. Data collection uses interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques consist of data reduction, data presentation, as well as drawing conclusions and verification. The results of this research include 1) The curriculum at this Islamic boarding school combines traditional and modern curriculum, the curriculum is implemented dynamically following the times and conditions that are relevant for application. 2) Application of traditional curriculum such as diniyah learning, reciting the quran, shawir etc, and implementation of modern curriculum such as intensive Arabic and English, extracurriculars, etc. 3) Several evaluations of the curriculum have been carried out including: class mapping evaluations, daily, monthly and annual evaluations, and student graduation evaluations.
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