Madrasah Head as Supervisor in Improving the Quality of Learning in Min 9 Blitar
Kata Kunci:
madrasah head, supervisor, learning qualityAbstrak
This study describes the head of the madrasah in his role as a supervisor to improve the quality of learning at MIN 9 Blitar. Supervisors act as coordinators, consultants, group leaders, and evaluators. The quality of learning is in accordance with the standards of the educational process including planning, implementing, evaluating learning. Therefore, the objectives of this study include: (1) the madrasah head as a supervisor in planning learning at MIN 9 Blitar, (2) the madrasah head as a supervisor in implementing learning at MIN 9 Blitar, (3) the madrasah head as a supervisor in learning assessment at MIN 9 Blitar. The research method uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use the Spradley model with the stages of domain analysis, taxonomy, componential, and analysis of cultural themes. The results and discussion of the research show that: supervisors by the head of the madrasah are carried out by, (1) coordinating the formulation of the syllabus, lesson plans, RTL and parents of students; (2) supervising administration, learning, clinical, and coordinating with agencies outside the madrasah; (3) coordinating and monitoring the Semester End Assessment, Year End Assessment, and coordinating with teachers. Thus, the conclusion given is that the head of the madrasa at MIN 9 Blitar is proven to have played an active role in improving the quality of learning with suggestions for conducting observational supervision of the entire class so that they know the development of the overall learning process of students.
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