The Implementation of Responsibility and Democracy of Wasathiyah Islam in English Teaching at Junior High School Salatiga
Wasathiyah Islam, , Responsibility, Democracy and English Language Teaching (ELT)Abstract
Problems appears such as extremism, social division, and ethical challenges show the need for education that teaches balance and community involvement. Unfortunately, students who are still figuring out their identity, may get involved in violence like bullying or fighting. This paper aims to explore the implementation of wasathiyah Islam, which emphasizes moderation and balance, in fostering responsibility and democracy at SMP Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga. By integrating wasathiyah principles into the curriculum and school culture, the institution encourages as ethical behavior, active civic engagement, and student participation in decision-making processes. This study is conducted by using qualitative method. The findings indicate that these efforts are not only enhance students’ understanding of their roles in society but also promote a harmonious and inclusive school environment in goal of preparing students as nation generation that naturally born as social creatures. This research underscores the importance of wasathiyah Islam in shaping engaged and responsible individuals equipped to address contemporary challenges through formal education system especially in English Language Teaching (ELT).References
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