Ad-Dakhîl inTafsir Al-Kasyfu Wa Al-Bayân 'An Tafsîr Al-Qur'ân (Analysis of the Story of Prophet Ayub)
This article explores the existence of Ad-Dakhīl (infiltration) in As-Śa'laby's tafsir, specifically regarding the story of Prophet Ayub (peace be upon him). Ad-Dakhīl refers to elements that are unauthentic or unverifiable, introduced by exegetes into their tafsir works. This study focuses on the interpretation of verses narrating the story of Prophet Ayub in Al-Kasyf Wa al-Bayân 'An Tafsîr al-Qur'ân by As-Śa'laby, utilizing a qualitative research method based on library research. The data includes classical Islamic texts (kitab turath), books, encyclopedias, journals, and other documents. The approach employed is content analysis to examine As-Śa'laby's interpretation of Surah Al-Anbiya' (21:83-84) and Surah Sad (38:41-44). According to various tafsir works, Prophet Ayub is depicted as a prophet blessed with abundant worldly favors, including immense wealth and righteous offspring. However, he was tested by Allah through the loss of these blessings and the affliction of a severe illness. For many years, Prophet Ayub patiently endured these trials, accompanied by his devoted wife, until Allah ended his suffering. The research findings indicate that Al-Kasyf Wa al-Bayân 'An Tafsîr al-Qur'ân contains elements of Ad-Dakhīl. As-Śa'laby is criticized for his lack of selectivity in choosing and presenting supporting narrations. The author identified at least four instances of Ad-Dakhīl in the form of Isrā'īliyyat (dakhīl an-naqly) included in the interpretation of Prophet Ayub's story without critical commentary or notes questioning their authenticity. One of these four narrations is deemed ad-dakhīl as its content contradicts the concept of a prophet's dignity. The dramatization of Prophet Ayub's trials is considered excessive and inappropriate for a prophet. Consequently, this study encourages tafsir scholars to delve into the study of Ad-Dakhīl, enabling them to discern and identify unreliable narrations when consulting tafsir works.References
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