Spirituality and Matcmaking; An Analysis of Tawassul Practices at the Tomb of Nyai Hamdanah Asnawi


  • Siti Tohirotus Sholikhah Islamic State University of Salatiga


Spiritualitas, Jodoh, Tawassul, Nyai Hamdanah


The aim of this research is to understand the relationship between spirituality and destiny in the practice of Tawasul at the Tomb of Nyai Hamdanah Asnawi. The type of research is field research, which is conducted by studying phenomena that exist in a natural environment or occur in everyday life. The results of this study show that the practice of Taawasul at the Tomb of Nyai Hamdanah Asnawi involves spiritual concepts that pertain to the search for meaning and purpose in life, as well as relationships with God, oneself, or others. The importance of the spiritual aspect in efforts to build harmony of values and beliefs between partners. Soulmate is defined as a partner chosen by God, with an emphasis on character before religion in choosing, a soulmate is not just about physical and material aspects, and an emphasis on the harmony of life. As an effort to draw closer to Allah, the intermediary of prayer and good deeds is the way to attract a spouse. Practices such as Tawasul, Doa Plgahan, Sholawat, and visiting the grave of Nyai Hamdanah are efforts to strengthen the hope of finding a good partner. In general, the practice of tawasul at the tomb of Nyai Hamdanah Asnawi illustrates the integration of spirituality and the search for a partner within the context of the Muslim community, where the belief in the power of prayer and righteous deeds serves as a support in the effort to realize the hope of finding a good match.


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