Early Marriage, Tafsir Al-Munir, Mental Health, Family WelfareAbstract
Early marriage is often a controversial topic, with various views developed in social, cultural, and religious contexts. This study uses a library research method to explore Wahbah Zuhaili's views in Tafsir Al-Munir on early marriage in Islam. The results show that, although Islam does not explicitly prohibit early marriage, the religion emphasizes the importance of physical, mental and social readiness of individuals who will marry. Zuhaili argues that marriage should be done with careful consideration, which includes readiness to take responsibility. Mental health is also considered an important aspect in creating a harmonious family, emphasizing the importance of equality and cooperation between family members. In the context of modern society, while early marriage is acceptable, Zuhaili advocates marriage at a more mature age, both physically and emotionally, for the welfare of the family and the mental health of the couple. Tafsir Al-Munir emphasizes that marriage should be carried out responsibly, taking into account individual readiness and creating an environment that supports mental health to achieve a prosperous family.References
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