
  • Arthi Amalia Rawzalgina 1Islamic State University of Mataram


Al-Qur’an, Israiliyyat, Influence


As we know that Qur’an is one the greatest miracle that Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Saw. In the al-Qur’an, there are many stories of previous people, but these stories are only contained very simply or concisely, not in detail like previous books. This because the al-Qur’an is a holy Qur’an, not a book of fairy tales. The story in the book called Israiliyyat. The method used in this research is literature study (Library Research). The results of the research show that if the israiliyyat is in accordance with Islamic sharia, its truth can be acknowledged and permitted to be narrated, whereas if it is contrary to Islamic sharia then it is lied to and cannot be narrated, because its influence in the interpretation causes the interpreter to be very careful in narrate this israiliyyat, but it is still permissible to explain its clarity. However, if there is no information that is in accordance with Islamic law or not, then tawaquf on it, and do not judge whether it is true or not.


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