The Influence of Trust, Knowledge, and Income on the Decision to Pay Zakat with Religiosity as a Moderating Variable in UPZ Suruh District
Income, Trust, Knowledge, Religiosity, DecisionsAbstract
The issue of zakat is actually not a stand-alone issue. In practice, zakat can be viewed as a dual phenomenon, namely religious and social . Zakat plays an important role in social life. The type of research used in this study is quantitative research. Quantitative research is research whose data is collected and evaluated numerically, starting with data collection, continuing with data analysis and ending with the presentation of findings. The variable of Trust has a significant influence positive And significant to variable Muzakki's Decision . The Knowledge variable has no significant effect . to Muzakki 's Decision . Variables Income Level influential positive And significant against the Muzakki's Decision . The variable of religiosity is able to moderate Trust influential positive And significant on the Muzakki Decision . Religiosity Variable Unable to moderate Knowledge influential positive And significant against the Muzakki's Decision . The variable of religiosity is able to moderate Income Level influential positive And significant against the Muzakki's Decision .References
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