Management Innovation in School Cooperatives to Improve the Economic Stability of Islamic Educational Institutions
Management Innovation, School Cooperative, Economic Stability, Islamic Education, Educational InstitutionAbstract
This article discusses the role of school cooperative management innovation in enhancing the economic stability of the Al Azhaar Baitul Khoir Islamic Educational Institution in Bandung Tulungagung. The main focus of this research is how the school cooperative implements various innovations in managerial aspects, such as product diversification, the use of technology in transactions, entrepreneurship training programs, and financial transparency. The research uses a qualitative approach with a case study to explore data related to the innovations applied in this school cooperative. The findings of the study indicate that these innovations have had a positive impact on the sustainability of the cooperative, increased member participation, and strengthened the economic stability of the educational institution. Additionally, the school cooperative also plays a significant role in empowering members through the distribution of dividends and collaboration with external parties. This study reveals that if managed well and implementing the right innovations, a school cooperative can become a sustainable economic pillar for an Islamic educational institution.References
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