Analisis Narasi #MarriageisScary Studi Kasus Pengaruh Media Sosial terhadap Keputusan Menikah
Sosial Media, #MarriageisScary, NetnographyAbstract
ABSTRACT : Marriage is a very sacred bond between a man and a woman that is carried out based on the teachings of religion and the beliefs of each individual. However, the recent decline in the number of marriages is angry, influenced by various factors, both from outside and from within the individuals themselves, which cause them to choose not to get married. The National Statistics Agency captured the phenomenon of the decline in marriage in the past 5 years very significantly. Even in the last decade it has decreased by 28.6% from previous decades. The focus of this research is how the #marriageisscary phenomenon that is busy on social media has an impact on the decline in marriage in Indonesia and what can be the solution to this problem. This research uses netnography as a research method. Netnography is a special approach in conducting ethnography on the Internet, this approach adapts from traditional entography techniques that are usually done manually to see the phenomena that occur in society, but now we “can't help but” to use social media as an object to be researched. The core problem of the emergence of the #MarriageisScary narrative is the fear of divorce, whether caused by domestic violence, economics, shifting values that make marriage no longer scandalous and sacred, changing mindsets and fear of divorce. The existence of a community perspective in dealing with marriage problems that only exist in divorce is something that must be given additional solutions, such as pre-marital agreements or marital agreements. A marriage agreement has an important role in regulating the division of property, debts, and obligations of each party, or other matters that can be agreed upon by both parties as long as they do not challenge the applicable law. A marriage agreement is a means of legal protection, not a sign of distrust in a domestic relationship.References
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