Students' Mathematical Gestures in Solving Operations Problems on Whole Numbers Class XI at SLB-B Negeri Tulungagung


  • Tri Wulandari Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
  • Maryono Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
  • Dewi Asmarani Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung


Mathematical Gestures, Solving Operation Problems on Integers


Mathematical gestures are movements that a person makes with their hands and arms when speaking and are intended to be intentionally related to mathematics. Gestures are part of non-verbal communication. With cues, students can solve math problems. When solving math problems, the signals given by students are very diverse. According to Mc Neill, gestures are divided into 3 types, namely iconic gestures, metaphoric gestures, and deictic gestures. The purpose of this research is to describe the mathematical gestures of students with mild, moderate and severe hearing impairments in solving operation problems on integers in class XI at SLB-B Negeri Tulungagung. So it is hoped that it can provide a brief overview of the mathematical gestures made by students. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type of research. The research location is SLB-B Negeri Tulungagung. The selection of subjects was based on the level of hearing impairment, namely 2 students with mild hearing impairment, 2 students with moderate hearing impairment, 2 students with severe hearing impairment. Data collection methods use observation, tests and interviews. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Checking the validity of the data is carried out by observation, triangulation and peer checking. The results of this research obtained an overview of gestures, namely (1) Mildly deaf students can demonstrate the use of iconic gestures, metaphoric gestures and deictic gestures in solving operation problems on integers and the gesture indicators are met in solving the questions. (2) Students with moderate hearing impairment can show that they use fewer metaphorical signs than deictic signs and use the most iconic signs in solving operational problems on integers and the signal indicators are fulfilled in solving the problems. (3) Students with severe abilities show the least use of deictic cues. Meanwhile, there are fewer metaphorical gestures than iconic gestures when solving operations problems on integers and the gesture indicators are fulfilled in solving the problems.


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