The Existence of “ad-Dīn" in Surah at-Tīn in the Context of Tafsir Discourse


  • Desy Helma Permata UIN Sultan Aji Muhamad Idris Samarinda
  • Ibnu Khaldun UIN Sultan Aji Muhamad Idris Samarinda


religion, millah, dīn, surah at-Tīn


As the holy scripture of Muslims, the Qur'an holds a central role in guiding and directing the lives of its adherents. It is regarded as the foremost source of ethical norms, legal principles, and spirituality in Muslim life. The uniqueness of the Qur'an lies in the belief that it is the direct word of Allah SWT, preserved without alteration or distortion over time. Serving as a comprehensive guide, the Qur'an provides relevant directions for various aspects of life, including morality, justice, economics, and social relationships. Its universal teachings make it a source of inspiration for balanced and harmonious living. Surah at-Tīn, a chapter of the Qur'an, is imbued with profound spiritual significance and guidance for life. Additionally, the concept of "religion," although not explicitly mentioned in the text of this surah, is not thoroughly detailed in existing tafsir. Therefore, further research is required to understand this aspect. The research methodology employed involves analysing the text of Surah at-Tīn and its interpretation across various tafsir. The findings reveal that the surah implicitly references the Abrahamic religions brought by earlier prophets. The mention of the fig and olive, Mount Sinai, and the baladil amīn (Mecca) symbolises the locations where Prophets Isa, Musa, and Muhammad received revelations, representing the existence of the teachings they conveyed. Thus, the verse indirectly communicates the essence of a unified religious paradigm rooted in the tauḥidi framework.


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