Innovation in Akidah Akhlak Curriculum Development Based on Props
Curriculum Development, Akidah Akhlak, PropsAbstract
This research discusses the development of the moral creed curriculum as well as the development of moral creed material for the part of breaking promises. This research uses the literature study research method. In this study, it is conveyed that curriculum development is a vital element in education, directing all learning activities by considering the development of students, the demands of the times, the value of art, the environment, and the vision of national development. Where the process must be adaptive, anticipatory, and applicable to meet short and long term needs. The Merdeka Belajar curriculum implemented by the government aims to give freedom to schools and educators to design contextual and relevant education, focusing on developing soft skills and character. In learning akidah akhlak, the material of breaking promises needs to be developed to suit the needs of the times and students. Breaking promises as a despicable character is described in QS. An-Nahl verse 92 uses the parable of a woman describing yarn, so the props are knitting yarn and knitting tools or pictures of women weaving, which emphasizes the importance of keeping agreements. The development of this material in moral creed education must be in accordance with the context and needs of students to achieve better educational goals.References
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