The Effect of Productive Zakat Utilization on Mustahik Welfare with Entrepreneurship Education as a Moderating Variable: A Conceptual Review


  • Faridna Agung Cahyono State Islamic University of Salatiga
  • Edi Cahyono State Islamic University of Salatiga
  • Ahmad Mifdhol Muthohar State Islamic University of Salatiga


Productive Zakat, Entrepreneurship Education, Mustahik Welfare


This study aims to explain the relationship between productive zakat utilization and mustahik welfare. In addition, this study also explains the role of entrepreneurship education as a moderating variable that is expected to provide a better picture of the relationship between productive zakat utilization and mustahik welfare. This study analyzes the utilization of BAZNAS productive zakat through the Z Chicken program, namely with the concept of a fried chicken franchise business that has a wide market share, with capital assistance and carts for selling along with complete equipment worth Rp. 9,000,000 for each musatahik. With the aim of building economic independence, increasing income, and becoming a new muzakki when income has reached the nisab. This research presents a systematic review of international and national journals on entrepreneurship education. The result of this research is a conceptual framework designed to provide new insights into the relationship between productive zakat utilization and mustahik welfare. Zakat utilization accompanied by entrepreneurship education by providing materials, entrepreneurship assignments, activeness in the program, and field practice can strengthen a positive influence on the welfare of mustahik.


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