Affective Assessment in Islamic Religious Education at MI Al-Huda Ploso Nganjuk
affective assessment, Islamic religious education, madrasah ibtida'iyahAbstract
This article discusses affective assessments in Islamic Religious Education in Madrasah Ibtida'iyah. So far, the assessment of Islamic Religious Education has paid less attention to affective aspects, so that Islamic Religious Education does not become a means for students to improve their morals. As a result, there are many deviations such as bullying, brawls, dirty talk, and making fun of friends' parents. This is very concerning even though the purpose of Islamic religious education is to make students a believing, pious, and moral person. However, this does not mean that there is no single institution that tries to implement affective assessment and make it the main goal in Islamic religious education. This descriptive qualitative research took field data through observation, documentation, and interviews. Furthermore, it was analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model. The findings of this study are that MI Al-Huda is an institution that pays attention to affective assessment. Affective assessment is carried out through observation, student incident notes, and self-assessment with religious activity report books and birrul walidain. However, the implementation is still not optimal due to time constraints, large number of students, lack of parental involvement, teachers' understanding of the use of instruments and reporting affective assessment results. Some suggestions are to improve educators' knowledge and skills related to affective assessment, then provide socialization to parents of students to participate in affective assessment.References
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