The Level of Academic Procrastination of Students at IAIN Kediri and UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
procrastination, college student, emotion regulation, self efficacy, thesisAbstract
The main objective of this research is to determine the level of procrastination that is influenced by emotional regulation and self-efficacy among students state Islamic Colleges and Universities (PTKIN) in East Java. This research by using a quantitative method with a questionnaire as the main measurement tool. The population was Students Of Islamic Religion Education (PAI) students who were in the process of completing their thesis. Data collection uses a questionnaire distributed through the help of Google Forms. The data was then analysed using a dummy regression. The results showed that emotional regulation and self-efficacy had a significant effect on the level of students’ procrastination by 22.4%, meaning that the greater the student's emotional regulation and self-efficacy, the lower the level of procrastination. It was also proven that the level of procrastination is influenced by emotional regulation and self-efficacy but this two variables cannot be said to be the main factor influencing the level of student academic procrastination. In addition, the results show a dummy regression significance value of 0.482, meaning that there is no significant difference between emotional regulation and self-efficacy among the students’ of IAIN Kediri and those of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.References
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