Development of Fraction Teaching Aids to Improve Conceptual Understanding of Grade IV Elementary School Students (SD/MI)


  • Rena Widayanti Universitas Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Izza Fauzia Saidah Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Samsul Susilawati Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang


Teaching aids, Fraction Material, Understanding Concepts


Mathematics is one of the subjects that students need help understanding. This can be seen from the many students who have difficulty understanding various mathematical material concepts. The ability to understand concepts is the ability of students to understand and correctly understand the material being studied. Students will find it easier to master the material if the learning process carried out is in accordance with the characteristics and needs of the students. This is in line with the need to help students understand various concepts of equivalent fractions at SDN Balearjosari 1 Malang. This occurs because of the lack of mathematics learning aids, so students cannot understand the idea of the material being studied concretely. Based on these problems, researchers developed a teaching aid to make it easier for students to understand the concept of equivalent fractions at the elementary school level. This study uses the Research and Development research method with the Borg and Gall development model, adapting 6 stages: 1. Research and data collection, 2. Planning, 3. Initial product development, 4. Initial field testing, 5. Initial product revision, 6. Main field testing. The level of alat peraga validity obtained from several experts is 94 from material experts, 92 from alat peraga experts, and 96 from learning experts, with the three validation results showing alat peraga validation with very valid criteria. The effectiveness of fractional teaching aids in improving students' concept understanding abilities was obtained with a score of 0.72 or 72.18%, a high category using the N-gain test. By using fractional teaching aids, students' conceptual understanding at SDN Balearjosari 1 Malang increased in the high category.


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