The Effect of Utilizing Teknologı Informası And Learning Vırtual Berbasıs E-Learnıng On Mınat Learning Sıswa On Pai Bagi Sıswa Smk Nusantara 1 Comal Pemalang Subjects
Kata Kunci:
Information Technology, E-Learning, Student Learning InterestsAbstrak
The learning problem at SMK Nusantara 1 Comal is that students are passive in the learning process because they are only required to listen and listen to the material presented by the teacher without any interaction. This causes students' interest in learning in PAI subjects to be relatively low. Judging from these problems, schools make PAI learning innovations using Information Technology and E-Learning-Based Learning.
The objectives to be achieved in the discussion of this thesis are 1. To prove the influence of the use of information technology in SMK Nusantara 1 Comal; 2. To prove the influence of e-learning-based virtual learning at SMK Nusantara 1 Comal Pemalang; 3. To prove the influence of the use of information technology and e-larning-based virtual learning on students' learning interests at SMK Nusantara 1 Comal.
In this research using a quantitative approach with the type of field research (Field Research). The independent variable is the Utilization of Information Technology and E-Learning-Based Virtual Learning. The Dependent Variable is Student Learning Interest. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with the total population in this study was 95 students. Data collection methods used are questionnaires (questionnaire), observation and interviews. The analysis technique used is the Multiple Linear Regression technique using the SPSS 22 For Windows Version program.
The data processing results obtained the significance value of the influence of the use of information technology (X1) and e-learning-based virtual learning (X2) is 0.000 < 0.05, and the value of Fcalculates 146,515 > Ftable 3.09, it can be concluded that the Utilization of Information Technology and Virtual Learning Based on E-Learning simultaneously affects Students' Learning Interest in PAI Subjects at SMK Nusantara 1 Comal Pemalang with a percentage of 76.1%.
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