Improvıng Fıqh Learnıng Outcomes And Student Learnıng Actıvıtıes With Peer Tutoring Method
Fiqh, Learning Methods, Learning Outcomes, Peer Tutors, Student ActivityAbstract
A learning process should have a goal to produce students who are not only good theoretically, but also able to apply their knowledge in everyday life. This can be realized through active learning to create a meaningful experience for students. The purpose of this study was to (1) determine the increase in a student learning activity in Fiqh learning subjects after the Peer Tutor learning method was applied, (2) determine the increase in student learning outcomes in Fiqh learning subjects after the Peer Tutor learning method was applied. The type of research used was classroom action research which was conducted in three cycles, namely cycle I, cycle II, and cycle III. Each cycle consists of stages of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research subjects were 34 students of a 10th-grade class at MA YPIP Panjeng, with details of 15 male students and 19 female students. The results showed that (1) the peer tutoring method could increase students' active learning. At the pre-cycle stage, the percentage of student learning activity was 53.43%, increased in the first cycle to 75.80%, increased to 76.47% in the second cycle, and increased again in the third cycle to 83.33%; (2) Peer tutoring methods can improve student learning outcomes. At the pre-cycle stage, students whose scores were in the complete category were 50%, experienced a significant increase in cycle I to 82.35%, increased again in cycle II to 85.30%, and increased again in cycle III to become 91.20% of the total number of students.
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