The Transformatıon of Islamıc Relıgıous College Post Covıd-19 Pandemıc: As an Effort to Adaptatıon the Dırect Learnıng


  • Azizah Hanum OK Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
  • Gunawan Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif Medan


Learning Habit, Post covid-19 Pandemic Learning


A habit in the learning process will change when the transition to the ongoing learning process is carried out using a collaboration system combined with a base learning project in learning carried out in the classroom. This will answer a change in the transformation of Islamic religious universities after the COVID-19 pandemic which seeks to adapt learning directly. The question in this study is how is the transformation of Islamic religious colleges after the covid-19 pandemic in an effort to adapt direct learning? This study uses a literature review approach which is analyzed with a quantitative analysis system based on the Atlas.ti application which produces a finding in the form of a systematic approach that can respond to direct learning. The findings in this study are that there are 3 approaches that can be applied, namely: a responsive management approach, a student-based process approach and a learning transformation approach. The synergy of Islamic higher education institutions with educational stakeholders related to changing the learning system from online learning to face-to-face learning is a necessity that must be done when the online learning process has become a learning habituation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Face-to-face learning will be interesting if it is given by including students as subjects as well as objects of education in the learning achievement process held with the base learning project system.


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