
  • Fitra Mulyawan

Kata Kunci:

Constitution, State of Indonesia, Islamic State Administration


It can be said that the history of the Indonesian Constitution has gone through various stages of development. From each stage a unique model of state administration was born, until the idea emerged to amend the 1945 Constitution due to past trauma, especially the New Order political practice which used the constitution for the interests of the people who were centralized and authoritarian power. Changing the constitution (UUD) is certainly not an easy thing. Because the constitution is the main goal of the state to regulate various basic and strategic issues, starting from the issue of the power structure and the relationship between the power of state bodies and human rights. The process of changing the Constitution from 1945 took place four times in stages. The four stages of the amendment, which were thoroughly examined by observers, had several flaws, among which sparked the idea that a constitutional commission should be formed to help resolve and correct these flaws for future amendments. Basically, according to experts, the State in Islam describes the principles of Islamic state administration in its studies, and the principles of state administration contained in the Qur'an can be formulated in the basic principles of Islamic political law, for example: the principle of sovereignty; the principle of justice; Principles of Reasoning and Ijma'; The principle of equality; the principle of rights and obligations of the state and the people; The principle of amar ma'ruf nahi munkar.


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