Al-Qur'an Rebuttal Against Childfree Lifestyle
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Childfree Lifestyle, The Qur'an's Rebuttal, InterpretationAbstrak
The phenomenon of married couples who decide not to have children, known as “ childfree” since 2021 until now, has become increasingly widespread. This movement was pioneered by a public figure who has influence in society ( influencer) , including a YouTuber named Gita Savitri and Paul Andre. They both decided not to have children on the grounds that having children or not is a life choice and children are a big responsibility. From the recognition of their status as public figures in society, the term childfree has begun to be widely discussed with various responses from the public, especially in Indonesia. In this study using qualitative methods with interpretation approach. Data collection was carried out using library research through two sources : first, observation data from observations of verses of the Koran related to this discussion either explicitly or implicitly about childfree and the hadith of the Prophet SAW. In addition to the verses of the Qur'an and hadith, supporting or secondary data were obtained from observation of books, journal articles, news events and other sources related to the theme of this study. Because this research emphasizes the aspect of interpretation, several interpretation books. One of the purposes of Allah's marriage mentioned in the Qur'an is to multiply offspring. As explained in the letter Al-A'raf verse 86. This is one of the arguments stating the rejection of childfree behavior, the Qur'an does not justify this. Moreover, making childfree from the start a lifestyle without any logical considerations and reasons that can be accepted by religion. Childfree may be taken if there are reasons that oblige a person not to have children, for example due to a serious illness, a disease which if she becomes pregnant will be life threatening, while still making medical recommendations a prior consideration, or someone who has been destined by Allah to be unable to have children.
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