Religious moderation concept in Israel, United Kingdom, and Indonesia: a systematic literature review


  • Bassam Abul A’la UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Ripin Ikhwandi STAINIM Sıdoarjo
  • Sugito Muzaqi Narotama University


Religious education, Systematic literature review, Islamic education


Religious moderation is a program of the world government after the 9/11 terror in America. The social disparity between religious people, especially Muslims, has increased sharply, known as Islamophobia. This study aims to determine the standards of religious moderation in three countries, namely Israel, the United Kingdom (UK) and Indonesia. Research with a systematic literature review (SLR) of several related articles produced nine kinds of literature that will be discussed. The results of this study show that the term religious moderation with various indicators has differences in each country. This is because the religious moderation program is very close to political and power issues in a country. Likewise, the dominant religious organization in a country becomes the face and direction of religious moderation.


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