Analysıs Of The Doctrınes Of The Qodarıyah Sect And The Doctrıne Of Free Wıll From The Perspectıve Of Islamıc Theology
qadariyah, free will, Islamic theologyAbstract
The development of Islamic thought in terms of Kalam Science is an interesting thing to discuss, especially since there is continuity or concept statements that explicitly have the same goal. The purpose of this study is to explain that the analysis of the doctrine of qadariyah and doctrine of free will in the perspective of Islamic Theology which provides a new understanding in the field of Kalam Science. This research method uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach based on library research in more depth in accordance with the research context. The continuity between these two interrelated doctrines in the view of Islamic theology is interpreted as something that is diverse, meaning that Islamic theology interprets the diversity of views in religious matters as a common thing. However, in this context, the concept of freedom of will in Islamic theology is interpreted as freedom to choose good and bad things. Thus, human nature in believing in the existence of God and his decree becomes the benchmark for the perfection of religious understanding so that the concept of justice in Islamic theology applies to all mankind.
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