Kata Kunci:
Hudud verse, Islamic Law and MaqashidAbstrak
This study describes the reading of the hudud verses in Islamic law and reading their application which is connected to the social conditions that occur. The approach used in this research is to embed that the cognitive character that distinguishes between the results of human cognition and text in different spaces. Next, the reading of the text, which is the main platform, also requires an oppenes system in order to embed the law in the relevant public sphere. The results of the formulation of this study conclude that the hudud verse -which this time - covers kisas, cutting hands and jild-stoning is still the same as written in the text. It is also supported by QS. al-Maidah 44, 45 and 47. But the reading doesn't end there. For the application of Islamic law that is relevant to social conditions, the hudud verse needs to be explored for the purpose behind it to find out the best solution when implementing it. Reading the reality that is happening, for example in a pluralistic Indonesia, the application of the hudud verse is difficult to apply as stated in the Qur'an. This is for the common good, justice and the peace mission. Therefore, in a country like this, when the Qur'anic law is the maximum law, then the legal (criminal) law that runs can be said to be minimal law with various considerations.
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