An Analysis of Figurative Language of One Direction’s Hits Songs in Literature Perspective


  • Angelia Cipta Riska Nabella Stated Islamic University of Salatiga
  • Setia Rini Stated Islamic University of Salatiga


An Analysis, Figurative Language, One Direction, Literature


This research is entitled " An Analysis of Figurative Language of One Direction's Hits Songs In Literature Perspective ". The figurative language found in One Direction songs is analyzed into two aspects, namely the type of figure of speech, and the meaning in the song. In this study, the researcher applied a qualitative method. The researcher chose two songs from different albums, “More Than This” song is taken from "Up All Night" (2011) album and for “Strong” is taken in "Midnight Memories" (2013) album.

The songs chosen were "More Than This" and "Strong". Researcher managed to find the latest findings from this study, the writer found fourteen lyrics that contain figures of speech. In the fourteen lyrics detected, they are divided into four types of figures of speech, namely Hyperbole, Simile, Metaphor and Personification. The most used figurative language in the two songs selected by One Direction. Then, the researcher also managed to find interesting things and meanings in the overall songs of the two most popular One Direction songs.


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