Principles and Domains of Arabic Language Learning at Darullughoh Wadda'wah Raci Bangil Pasuruan Islamic Boarding School East Java
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Principles, Domains, Arabic Language Learning, Islamic Boarding SchoolAbstrak
Darullughoh Wadda'wah Islamic boarding school as one of the islamic boarding schools in East Java which makes Arabic a mandatory language used by students in daily communication. In this cottage, all students receive Arabic language learning in the hope that in the future their output will have language proficiency in totality and make it a tool to explore science sourced from Arabic texts. Behind this, Arabic language learning in the classroom has a variety of characteristics of its teaching style that are different from a number of Arabic learning institutions in Indonesia, modern Pesantren in Pasuruan is very much number and competes in quality, one of which is Darullughoh Wadda'wah Bangil, From this problem the author examines The Darullughoh Wadda'wah Bangil Islamic Boarding School so that it makes the locus of this research interesting to study.
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