PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAM, LAW, AND SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAM, LAW, AND SOCIETY id-ID PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAM, LAW, AND SOCIETY 2985-7392 Does Genre-Based Approach Improve Students' Writing Recount Texts? <p>This research aims to investigate potential variations in the students' writing performance of the students both before and after the implementation of a genre-based approach. The focus is on enhancing students' proficiency in composing recount texts through this approach. The study adopts a single-subject experimental design, with data gathered through a recount text writing test. The sample comprises 19 participants from X IPA Class of MA Al-Fathimiyah. Analysis of the data involves the use of paired t-test and N-gain technique to assess changes in students' writing abilities. Results from the paired sample t-test reveal differences in writing talents before and after the genre-based approach. Furthermore, N-Gain test results demonstrate an improvement in students' writing skills following the adoption of the genre-based approach in recount text composition significantly.</p> Muhammad Arba’in Setia Rini Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 The Effectiveness of Fluency Bridge Technique at Constructing the Speaking Skills of the Tenth Grade Students at MAN Temanggung <p>Since English was only used as a Foreign Language in Indonesia, Indonesian people had relatively low average level of fluency in English, particularly in speaking. Therefore, in an attempt to enhance the speaking skills of the Indonesian people, the researcher conducted this research by implementing Fluency Bridge Technique. In this case, this research followed two primary objectives namely; investigating the effectiveness of Fluency Bridge Technique in the English teaching and learning activities and constructing the speaking skills of the 10<sup>th</sup> grade students at MAN Temanggung, Central Java. Using Classroom Action Research as the design of the research, the researcher obtained and gathered the data by comparing the speaking performance of the 69 participants from the 10<sup>th</sup> grade science 5 which applied Fluency Bridge Technique and the 10<sup>th</sup> grade science 6 in which Fluency Bridge Technique was not applied, through pre-test, observation, post-test, questionnaire as well as standardized interview as techniques of data collection. The result revealed that the 10<sup>th</sup> grade science 5 achieved better speaking performance and showed significant improvement in their speaking skills with the class average score of 71.88. On the other hand, the 10<sup>th</sup> grade science 6 showed little improvement and even deterioration on their speaking performance with the class average score of 65.93. In accordance with these research data, Fluency Bridge Technique was proven to be an effective teaching technique that enhanced the level of students’ speaking skills measured from their pronunciation, grammatical accuracy, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.</p> Siti Zulfah Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 IMPRESSIONS OF THE FIRST MOST COMPLETE AUTHORAND TAFSIR IN THE NUSANTARA ( Analysis Study of the Book of Tarjuman Al-Mustafid) <p>The book of Tarjuman al-Mustafid is the first complete tafsir book of 30 juz in the nusantara in the 17th century AD. This article focuses research on the first and last suras in the Qur'an, namely suras <em>al-Fatihah</em> and <em>al-Nas</em> to get an<em> impression</em> from sheikh Abd ar-Rauf as-Sinkili in writing a complete Qur'anic tafseer of 30 juz. This interpretation shows evidence of the extraordinary productivity of tafsir writing in the archipelago at the beginning of the process of Islamization in Indonesia. Descriptive&nbsp; and qualitative approach, this research is needed to get results that are in accordance with existing facts and reality. The uniqueness of 'Abd al-Rauf's&nbsp; tafsir, can be seen&nbsp; from his impression in writing tafsir, where he&nbsp; is very maintaining the consistof enan from the beginning to the end of the letter in the technique of writing tafsir, there are several&nbsp; keywords which is used repeatedly to interpret. This is a characteristic that other books of exegesis do not have. But during the final process of interpreting the meaning of the&nbsp; verse, an impression of inconsistent interpretation&nbsp; was found.</p> Rumi Chafidzoh Salamah Noorhidayati Mohd Hisyam Bin Abdul Rahim Hak Cipta (c) 2024 PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAM, LAW, AND SOCIETY 2024-04-04 2024-04-04 3 1 Qouliyah-Kauniyah Verse Relation (Integration of the Qur'an with Science in the Discourse of Interpretation) <p>The birth of tafsir with the pattern of 'Ilmi' tafsir is proof that the study of science and the Qur'an cannot be separated and will continue to develop, this is clear evidence of the relationship between the kauniyah verse and the qauliyah verse. This research seeks to examine the nature of the verse qauliyah and verse kauniyah, how both are fused, and also how the pattern of scientific development produces tafsir ilmi which is not far from the rules of interpretation that have been set by the mufassirun. &nbsp;This research method uses a qualitative method with a literature research approach. This study concludes that the relationship between the Qur'an and science can be seen through the many scientific truths described in the Qur'an that show the integration between the two. Mufasirs try to combine the findings of scientific theories with the exposure of the verses of the Qur'an. However, many interpreters are eventually trapped by the element of subjectivity in the application of interpretation so that it seems that the verse of the Qur'an is used to legitimize the scientific theory. This is certainly not in line with the standard rules of tafsir science. For this reason, some principles of interpretation are needed, so that the element of subjectivity of interpretation can be avoided. Additional principles in addition to the main principles that have been standardized required for a mufassir, there are other additions, namely: mastery of the right language, scientific discoveries do not contradict the verses of the Qur'an by paying attention to the context between words or verses, the nature of scientific discoveries does not exceed the editorial content of the verses.</p> Shofwan Al Jauhari Rifqi As’adah Hendra Yulia Rahman Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 The Concept of Ishlah in the Qur’an From the Perspective of Indonesian Interpretation and Its Implementation of The 1945 Constitution as a Solution to Carok in Madura <p>Madura is one of the islands in Indonesia with a culture that is famous for being extreme, namely carok. This culture is known to be very cruel, which is contrary to state law and Islamic law, so a way is needed to eliminate it. Therefore, the aim of this article is to discuss the concept of ishlah (peace) contained in the Koran and see the extent of its implementation in the 1945 Constitution so that it becomes a solution for this culture. Ishlah is the language used in the Koran to represent the meaning of peace in human life. Meanwhile, in the 1945 Constitution, it is explained in the opening piece of the Constitution that it is "to make the life of the nation intelligent and participate in implementing world order based on eternal peace and social justice". This research uses a qualitative-descriptive approach strengthened by the type of library research to be able to describe and use written sources to solve problems. The results of this research are that there are verses for peace in the individual, family, community, and universally found in surah al-Baqarah verses 182 and 224, an-Nisa verses 128-129, al-Anfal verse 1, and al-Hujurat verses 9-10. So that there is harmony between the order for peace in the Koran and the 1945 Constitution. Thus, this order must be implemented to bring change towards an advanced Indonesia, one of which is changing the carok culture through the path of peace.</p> Moh. Fauzan Fathollah Sanuri Imroatul Azizah Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 Understanding Hadith Crying in Approach Self Transcendence <table class="NormalTable"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="200"><span class="fontstyle0">Crying is an activity that cannot be avoided in human life, even the Prophet, who is the closest servant<br>to Allah SWT, has also cried. However, in this discussion, it is more directed at one's crying that can<br>bring oneself closer to Allah SWT, namely the hadith narrated by </span><span class="fontstyle2">Sunan Ibn Ma&gt;jah </span><span class="fontstyle0">Index Number<br>4197 which is related to the Self Transcendence approach. The method used in this research is<br>qualitative, with the study of </span><span class="fontstyle2">Ma'a&gt;ni&gt; al-H}adith </span><span class="fontstyle0">which is connected through the Self Transcendence<br>approach with the main sources used in this research are the Book of </span><span class="fontstyle2">Sunan Ibn Ma&gt;jah, Tahdhi&gt;bu al<br>Kamal Fi&gt; Asmai al-Rija&gt;l, </span><span class="fontstyle0">al-Qur'an, Journals, and Books that have relevance in the discussion. The<br>result of this study is the quality of the Hadith narrated by </span><span class="fontstyle2">Sunan Ibn Ma&gt;jah </span><span class="fontstyle0">which is hasan li ghairih,<br>and this Hadith is a maqbul ma'amul bihi Hadith or can be used as an evidence. In this Hadith, the<br>Prophet ordered his people to cry out of fear of Allah, because someone who cries out of fear of Allah<br>will be forbidden to enter hell, and this Hadith is closely related to the theory of self-transcendence,<br>because the theory of self-transcendence itself is a spiritual need, which makes a person better, which<br>will motivate a person to love the creator more, be more grateful for the blessings given and avoid the<br>hardness of the heart.</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>&nbsp;</p> Alvin Afifah Muhid Budi Ichwayudi Sellyana Verawati Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 The Relevance of Hadith Al-Hanifiyyah As-Samhah and the First Pancasila Principles as Religious Guidelines in Indonesia <p>The issue of Pancasila and religion in Indonesia has become a hot topic for discussion, where things are always clashed as if they are opposites. Even though the two are components that cannot be separated, The first principle is a state theological concept that teaches the values of tolerance and religious freedom. From the perspective of Islam in particular, there is a hadith that discusses similar things, namely <em>Al-Hanifiyyah As-Samhah</em>, which teaches Muslims to be tolerant by adhering to religious teachings. It is from this background that the author wants to discuss the relationship between the first principle of Pancasia and the hadith of <em>Al-Hanifiyyah As-Samhah</em>. This research uses a qualitative approach with analytical and descriptive methods. Data sources consist of primary data sources (the hadith book <em>Sahih Al Bukhari</em>) and other supporting literature as secondary sources. Data collection techniques use library research and data analysis techniques in the form of inventory, classification, and interpretation stages. This results in the conclusion that <em>Al-Hanifiyyah As-Samhah</em> and the first principle have a mutually supportive relationship with religious freedom. Even though Pancasila is the basic ideology of the Indonesian nation and <em>Al-Hanifiyyah As-Samhah</em> is a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW and a source of Islamic law, the two are connected and can be the basic basis for understanding the concept of religion in Indonesia.</p> Doni Saputra Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 3 1 Tafsir Nusantara: History and Context of Public Reception <p><em>This article examines the history of Indonesian interpretation, focusing on the context of public reception. Tafsir Nusantara is an interpretive activity that uses symbols, language and local dialects of the archipelago which has a tendency to emphasize understanding the Al-Qur'an in a cultural, social, historical context and the conditions of society in the archipelago. Tafsir Nusantara prioritizes understanding from a local perspective by referring to classical sources of interpretation used by Muslims in general. In this research, primary data and secondary data are used, primary data is by using a literature review which discusses Indonesian interpretation and secondary data by using literature sources related to the topic of discussion. This research uses a qualitative research design, literature research method. Tafsir Nusantara on the nature of reality or existing realities, involves understanding the daily life and social realities of Muslim communities in Indonesia. It involves understanding various sources of knowledge such as the Koran, hadith, ijtihad ulama, personal experience, and local traditions.</em></p> Fadila Ikke Nuralita Ahmad Sadad Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 3 1 The Concept of Leadership in the Perspective of Al-Asmā' Al-Ḥusnā (Tadabbur QS. Al-Ḥasyr Verses 22-24 in Mushaf Al-Qur'an Tadabbur Maiyah Padhangmbulan) <p>The writing and publication of Qur'anic exegesis in Indonesia, which was born from diverse socio-cultural spaces, continues to develop. The diversity of tafsir literature and efforts to uncover the meaning of the Qur'an is because the text of the Qur'an is a sign system that contains various meanings due to the process of meaning. <em>Tadabbur</em> is one of the methods used in interpreting the Qur'an. One example of the application of the <em>tadabbur</em> method is in <em>QS. Al-</em><em>Ḥ</em><em>asyr</em>/59: 22-24 written by Muhammad Ainun Nadjib in the <em>Mushaf Al-Qur'an Tadabbur Maiyah Padhangmbulan</em>. This research will explain about the <em>Mushaf Al-Qur'an Tadabbur Maiyah Padhangmbulan</em>, and explain <em>tadabbur</em> <em>QS. Al-</em><em>Ḥ</em><em>asyr</em> verses 22-24 in the mushaf through Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutic analysis which uses two stages (semiological analysis of the structure of the text and analysis of philosophical reflection). This study found that the <em>Mushaf Al-Qur'an Tadabbur Maiyah Padhangmbulan</em> uses the <em>tadabbur</em> method which can be understood as the activity of finding the implicit message of one verse or series of verses, then applying it in life. <em>Tadabbur</em> <em>QS. Al-</em><em>Ḥ</em><em>asyr</em> verses 22-24 mention that there are about fifteen systematically arranged <em>al-asmā' al-</em><em>ḥ</em><em>usnā </em>which are attributed as sources of wisdom, discourse, and concepts of leadership for mankind.</p> Niken Larasingtyas Adrika Fithrotul Aini Salamah Noorhidayati Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 3 1 Locality Study of Tafsir Faid al-Rahman <p>In this article, the author wants to convey the locality found in the Indonesian Tafsir books. Locality in a Nusantara tafsir book is one of the triggers for the quality of the interpretation, because linking the locality side of a Nusantara tafsir book is considered important. And how the book can be conveyed according to the aims and objectives of a mufassir. One of them is Faid al-Rahman's interpretation, where this interpretation is recognized as the first interpretation using the local language, namely Javanese. In writing this time, we put more emphasis on using the bibliographic method, because we see that this book has become one of the manuscripts in the archipelago. With these efforts, a concept about the locality of Indonesian tafsir is found in Faid al-Rahman's book of tafsir, where the book of tafsir is the written work of KH. Sholeh Darat. In the writing process, he used a Sufistic approach but without reducing suitability to the surrounding social conditions. Verse after verse is interpreted by prioritizing monotheism of Allah. Apart from that, this interpretation has also succeeded in attracting local people from various circles so that they can easily understand the implied and explicit meaning of each verse of the Qur’an.</p> Lailatus Syafa’ah Ahmad Zainal Abidin Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 3 1 Tradition of Li-Hifdz Al-Qur'an Prayer Practice (Living Qur'an at Bahrul Ulum Putri Kedungbajul Ngadisuko Durenan Trenggalek Islamic Boarding School) <p>This article discusses the tradition of <em>li-hifdz al-Qur'an</em> prayer practice at Bahrul Ulum Putri Kedungbajul Ngadisuko Durenan Trenggalek Islamic Boarding School. This type of research is field research with a phenomenological approach and analyzed descriptively qualitatively. Data are obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of the <em>li-hifdz al-Qur'an</em> prayer practice tradition was carried out after yasinan and diba'iyyah activities which were attended by 17 tahfidz students who had more than 10 juz. Four raka'at were performed with twice salutations, the first raka’at read Surat Yasin, the second raka’at Surat Ad-Dukhan, the third raka’at Surat As-Sajdah and the fourth raka’at Surat Al-Mulk, read <em>jahr</em> (aloud) and in congregation, then read istigfar 11 times and shalawat then closed with fatihah and prayer. The meanings contained in the tradition of the <em>li-hifdz al-Qur'an</em> prayer practice seen from the theory of sociology Karl Mannheim are: 1) objective meaning, the tradition is an obligation that must be carried out, because as a rule and practice diplomas from previous teachers. 2) expressive meaning, this tradition is interpreted as self-training to read the Qur'an in prayer and a means of maintaining memorization, also making more confident in the Qur'an, and facilitated in memorizing and being able to understand other sciences. 3) documentary meaning, the tradition is a practice that has become a routine so that it is accustomed to be carried out and becomes a custom for all members of the Islamic boarding school.</p> Moh. Munib Zuhdi Muhammad Ridho Ali Abdurrahman Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 3 1 Political Research Models of Syafi'i Ma'arif <p>The study of Islam is not only carried out by a Muslim but also attracts the attention of non-Muslims, the term for Islamic studies for westerners is called Islamic Studies, while the term that emerged among Muslims is <em>Dirasah Islamiyah</em>, and in simple terms it is known as Islamic Studies. The progress and decline of Islam can be said to be the participation of Muslim scientists in contributing their thoughts. One of the causes of the decline of Islam in the modern century cannot be separated from the reluctance of scholars to integrate between Islam and its development so that Islam has stagnated in facing the problems of the times. No exception in political affairs, the role of politics attracts attention among the community because the influence of politics itself gives influence to their interests. it is not separated from politics at that time so that with the political success achieved by Muslims has facilitated the spread of Islam as widely as possible. In this discussion, the author presents the political research model of Syafi’I Ma’arif</p> Muhammad Nur Khalim Nailul Izzah Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 Al-Tahkim Al-Tsawabit and Res Judicata Doctrine Reconciling Islamic Law Principles into Constitutional Court Decisions <p>This research aims to utilize the concepts of "al-tahkim" and "al-tsawabit" based on the Maqashidul Quran to examine the doctrine of res judicata as the primary argument for declaring the Constitutional Court's decisions as final and binding, thus preventing them from being contested. However, certain Constitutional Court decisions at the intersection of human rights and religious life may raise academic concerns, such as the recognition of Aliran Kebatinan as a religion, despite its ritual system resembling Islam. Using a qualitative approach, this study analyzes Islamic jurisprudence, constitutional law literature, and relevant legal cases where "tahkim" and "ats tsawabit" were invoked. It also delves into Islamic sources like the Quran, Sunnah, and scholarly consensus to identify foundational principles. The findings underscore how these concepts can guide the interpretation of legal principles, such as the Res Judicata doctrine, ensuring justice, fairness, and the preservation of rights while harmonizing Islamic jurisprudence with constitutional principles. This research contributes to the reconciliation of Islamic legal principles with constitutional law, offering insights for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers grappling with this intersection. It alleviates academic concerns and promotes justice and fairness in constitutional contexts.</p> Syamsul Hidayat Isman Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 Analysis of Cognitive Development in Hayy Bin Yaqzhan's Novel and Its Implications for Education <p>Human cognition always develops with age. Human cognitive development is closely related to the learning process experienced throughout his life. This research aims to determine the concept of cognitive development according to Ibn Thufail's thoughts contained in the book Hayy bin Yaqzhan and its implications for education. This research is a type of qualitative research with a literature study approach. Research data was obtained from books, journals and relevant scientific research. The data obtained is then sorted and analyzed, then conclusions are drawn according to the research objectives. The results of the research show that cognitive development according to Ibn Thufail as contained in the book of Hayy bin Yaqzhan occurs through five phases, namely (1) Childhood Phase, (2) Mumayyiz/Puberty Phase, (3) Akil Baligh Phase, (4) Adult Phase, (5) Old Age. Meanwhile, the implications of Ibnu Thufail's thoughts regarding human cognitive development for the world of education relate to how to acquire knowledge, learning methods and the role of teachers in the classroom.</p> Danu Sugiarto Ana Miniswatil Maghfiroh Akhyak Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 KOREAN DRAMA AND CHANGES IN RELIGIOUS BEHAVIOR OF GENERATION Z <p>This article discusses the impact of Korean dramas on changes in religious behavior among generation Z. Korean dramas have become a global phenomenon and are very popular among the younger generation, including generation Z. This article aims to examine how Korean dramas can influence the religious behavior of generation Z. In the article In this article, the author explains how Korean dramas can be a source of inspiration for generation Z in living their daily lives, including in religious aspects. The research object used is generation Z in Surabaya. Korean dramas often depict strong moral and ethical values, which can influence viewers to reconsider their religious values. However, the author also underlines that the influence of Korean dramas is not always positive, and some generation Z religious behavior may also be influenced by negative aspects in these dramas. This article also includes research results and case studies that support the argument about the influence of Korean dramas on the religious behavior of generation Z. In conclusion, a deeper understanding of how Korean dramas can influence the religious behavior of generation Z, by providing important insights in understanding changes in values ​​and actions in the context of modern society influenced by media.</p> Fathiyah Khasanah Arrahmah Luluk Fikri Zuhriyah Ali Nurdin Like Enah Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 The Islamic Education Quality Development Model based on Joseph M. Juran concepts at MAN 1 Tulungagung <p>Education plays an important role in efforts to produce qualified human resources. Qualified<br>education is education that can provide benefits and positive changes for education users. Juran, who<br>is a quality of development expert, put forward the concept of quality, namely &amp;quot;quality is fitness for<br>use&amp;quot;. The Juran trilogy namely, quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement which was<br>originally used in the business world, was then adopted in educational institutions, including Islamic<br>educational institutions, in achieving the goal of creating quality of education. This research used a<br>qualitative case study type approach and was conducted at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1<br>Tulungagung. The results showed that the quality planning at MAN 1 Tulungagung was carried out<br>by preparing competent and committed teachers and educational staff, the quality control was carried<br>out by controlling the services provided by the teachers and educational staff so that they were always<br>following their respective duties and functions, and the quality improvement stage was carried out by<br>providing periodic training as an effort to improve the knowledge and skills of teaching and<br>educational staff.</p> Januariani Akhyak Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 Need Assessment of Augmented Reality-Based Science Learning Media on Solar System Material <p>Science learning must be able to explain the abstractness of the concepts and theories in it. Science learning design includes, models, methods and the right media are certainly very influential on the success of science learning in the classroom. Learning media has an important role to convey abstract material content to be easily understood by students. This study aims to analyze the needs of teachers for Augmented Reality-based science learning media on Solar System material. The subjects of this study were madrasah ibtidaiyah class teachers in Brebes district. The research model used is descriptive quantitative with questionnaire data collection methods through google form. Data analysis techniques used quantitative descriptive methods using percentages. The results of this study are that 75% of teachers have difficulty in instilling the concept of Solar System material in students; 70% of teachers have not utilized the available learning media; and 100% of teachers are interested in computer and smartphone-based science learning media. From these data, teachers need augmented reality-based learning media that can be used on computer and smartphone devices.</p> Akhmad Haryanto Erna Risfaula Kusumawati Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 Equitable Education: The Role of Prophetic Values in Madrasah Teaching Practices <p>This study aims to investigate how teachers' prophetic values are utilized to promote educational equality in Madrasah Islamiyah Ngoro Jombang. The research was conducted using a qualitative phenomenological approach and involved interviews with the madrasah head and teachers of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Islamiyah Ngoro Jombang, located in East Java. The study found that prophetic values such as self-awareness, emotion regulation, mind control, openness, empathy, sincerity, discipline, independence, and ethical courage were implemented by the teachers to create a fair and equal educational environment. These values are aligned with the characteristics of Prophet Muhammad SAW, including <em>Sidiq</em> (self-awareness, emotion regulation), <em>Amanah</em> (discipline, independence, ethical courage), <em>Fatonah</em> (mind control, openness of attitude), and <em>Tablig</em> (empathy, sincerity). Educational equity is achieved when all students have equal rights and opportunities to receive an education, which is a fundamental principle of an inclusive educational environment. This research highlights the importance of prophetic values in teacher personality competence to promote educational equality. The madrasah principal can adopt this model of implementing prophetic values to develop teachers' personality competence and provide equal educational services to all students.</p> Ach. Saifullah Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 Implementation of Humanistic Value-Based Inclusive Education in Elementary School (Case Study at Al-Azhaar Islamic Elementary School Tulungagung) <p>Inclusive education based on humanistic values has the characteristics of implementing child-friendly learning activities, providing comfort and an environment that provides educational needs according to the special needs of persons with disabilities regardless of their shortcomings so that there is equality with humans in general. SD Islam Al Azhaar Tulungagung is one of the inclusive educational institutions that applies humanistic values as a characteristic of learning activities, but in reality there are still various obstacles in its implementation. This studyaims to find inhibiting factors and supporting factors in the implementation of humanistic value-based inclusive education at Al Azhaar Tulungagung Islamic Elementary School and to find solutions to these obstacles so that improvements or efforts can be made to improve the quality of inclusive education. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach with miles and huberman analysis techniques. The results of this study found various inhibiting factors and supporting factors in the implementation of humanistic value-based inclusive education at SD Islam Al Azhaar Tulungagung, including those related to quality and management that still needto be improved and better managed. The solutions found in this study are expected to be used as a reference or description of how the management of SD Islam Al Azhaar Tulungagung can make policies in improving the quality of</p> <p>inclusive education at SD Islam Al Azhaar Tulungagung.</p> Nita Agustina Nurlaila Eka Erfiana Rita Pusvitasari Adi Wijayanto Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT TEACHING MATHEMATICS PHET VIDEO BASED ON THE CONCEPT OF FRACTIONAL NUMBERS FOR CLASS IV STUDENTS <p>This research answers the low student learning outcomes due to less interesting learning. This research aims to develop mathematics teaching materials based on PhET Interactive Simulation videos and obtain PhET videos that are valid, practical, and effective. The research method used is the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method with the ADDIE model which includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stages. The subjects of this research were 28 class IV students at MI Tegalwaton, Tengaran District. Data collection techniques used were interviews, FGD, questionnaires, and documentation. The validation stage of teaching materials is carried out by asking for assessments from material experts and media experts. The average result of the material expert assessment was 91.5% which was in the very valid category and the result of the media expert assessment was 83.4% which was in the very valid category. The results of student responses in the limited trial were 89.5% in the very effective category and in the extensive trial, it was 88.63% in the very effective category. The students' pretest results got an average score of 69.2 and the students' posttest results got an average score of 79.6. There was an increase in the learning outcome scores between the students' pretest and posttest so the learning videos developed were considered effective. So it can be stated that this PhET video is valid, practical, and effective.</p> Ardiansyah Latif, FN H Eni Titikusumawati Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 EDUCATIONAL LEARNING WITHIN THE MUADALAH UNIT CURRICULUM AND ITS IMPACT ON STUDENT QUALITY AT AL-MUJTAMA’ AL-ISLAMI ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL, JATI AGUNG, SOUTH LAMPUNG <p><em>The primary goals of this research are twofold. Initially, it aims to shed light on and scrutinize curriculum learning with reference to its planning, implementation, and evaluation at Al-Mujtama’ Al-Islami Islamic Boarding School. Subsequently, it seeks to gauge the significance and utility of curriculum learning in enhancing student quality at this same institution. A qualitative methodology is adopted in this study, with data amassed through techniques such as interviews, observations, and documentary analysis. The researcher is instrumental in this process, collecting data that comprises field notes, interview responses, participant actions, documentation, and other relevant sources. These inputs continually evolve as the research unfolds. The findings of this study suggest that the curriculum at Al-Mujtama’ Al-Islami Islamic Boarding School incorporates an auxiliary study program directed towards realizing elusive goals, along with notable modifications in the curriculum, specifically within the regions of curriculum planning, execution, and evaluation.</em></p> Faruq Abdul Hakim Afifah Adz-Dzakiyah Bukhori Siti Patimah Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 Inclusive Pedagogy: Fostering Equal Humanity Through Religious and Legal Education for Sustainable Peace <p>This study addresses pressing academic concern fostering equal humanity and sustainable peace through inclusive pedagogy in religious and legal education. Research aims to investigate the effectiveness of inclusive pedagogy in promoting understanding, tolerance, and dialogue among diverse religious backgrounds, while instilling ethical values and legal conflict resolution skills. Employing a literature review approach, the study critically examines existing research and identifies gaps in the literature. The results underscore the significance of inclusive religious and legal education as a means to reduce interreligious tensions and conflicts, empowering individuals to make ethically sound decisions and resolve disputes peacefully. Furthermore, the study advocates for the expansion of inclusive pedagogy in educational curricula and highlights the need for policies promoting equal access to quality education. In conclusion, this research emphasizes that investing in inclusive religious and legal education is paramount for building a more just, peaceful, and harmonious society.</p> Ana Minniswatil Maghfiroh Danu Sugiarto Akhyak Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 INTEGRATION OF RELIGION AND SCIENCE ACCORDING TO SYED MUHAMMAD NAQUIB AL-ATTAS AND IMPACT ON EDUCATION DURING THE DISTURBANT PERIOD <p><em>The role of Islamic religious education is very important in the era of disruption, so that its existence is not eroded by technological sophistication. Prof. Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attasviews that the toughest problem facing humanity today is the hegemony and domination of Western secular scholarship which leads to the destruction of mankind. the integration of knowledge appears which is interpreted as the unification of knowledge. this article aims to discuss related Integration of Religion and Science According to Syed Muhammad Naquib Al Attas and Their Relevance to Education in the Disruptive Era.The research method used is library research. Data Collection Techniques in this study using secondary data. Data analysis in this study is content analysis. The criteria for journals analyzed in this study include the maximum time span for journal publication of 5 years from the year of publication (2018-2023). The practical application of the integration of religion and science is closely related to the world of education, including the concept of religion , the concept of human, the concept of science and ma'rifah. There are 7 thoughts of Al-Al-Attas that are relevant to be applied in education in the Disruption Era, including human values as true human beings, the goals of Education. the concepts of Tarbiyah, Ta'lim, and Ta'dib; Realization of an Religious Scientific Integratio , Islamization of Science, and understanding Arabic.</em></p> Antiq Kusthon Tiniyyah Akhyak Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 MADRASAH PRINCIPAL'S DECISION MAKING IN GIVING REWARDS FOR TEACHERS WORK PERFORMANCE VIEWED FROM EQUITY THEORY (Case Study Of Madrasah Aliyah Bina Ulama) <p>Decision making in assessing teacher work performance is an appropriate form of Madrasah Principal policy in order to obtain competent teachers and maintain qualified human resources. In this case, behind the teacher's valuable work and brilliant achievements there is feedback given to the Madrasah Principal as a reward, namely in the form of compensation. In accordance with what the teacher has given to the institution, that amount is also the reference for the compensation that will be received, both financially and non-financially. The Madrasah Head does not just provide compensation to teachers who excel as a form of decision making, but the Madrasah Head has a policy of deciding on fair compensation (Equity) so that there are no misunderstandings. This research uses a qualitative approach, where researchers conduct in-depth observations and interviews regarding compensation carried out by the Head of Madrasah Aliyah Bina Ulama for decision making. The data sources used are primary data sources, which are taken through observation and interview data, and secondary data sources taken from literature studies of books or related journals. This research discusses the decision making of the Head of Madrasah Aliyah Bina Ulama regarding the assessment of teachers' achievements and the Madrasah Head's policy in providing compensation to teachers who excel fairly. The conclusion drawn from this research is that the Madrasah Head makes a decision on teacher work performance through performance and activity once a week and will be announced at the end of the semester. Likewise, direct compensation from the Head of Madrasah Aliyah Bina Ulama provides financial or non-financial means, namely appointment to positions based on the principles of Financial Justice, External Justice, Employee Justice and Team Justice.</p> Apriyani Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 Epistemological Deconstruction of Understanding Material in Islamic Education as the Existence of a Progressive Dynamic Islamic Education Paradigm <p>The material in Islamic education experiences permanent decline caused by religious dogmas, so it requires a suitable episteme to balance the classical and modern epistemes. The research method uses qualitative while the data analysis uses data reduction <em>, </em>data presentation <em>and </em>conclusion or verification ( <em>conclusion drawing </em>). Dogma or intuitive knowledge is also the same as the scientific knowledge that modern people excel at.</p> Zuhri Fahruddin Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 Development Of Management Information Systems (Mis) In Islamic Educational Institutions <p>The Islamic educational institutions always try to keep up with current developments, including in the field of information and communication technology, we can see this from the management information system (MIS) which is implemented in the continuity of Islamic education activities starting from the madrasah, Islamic boarding school and university levels. This research aims to find out how Islamic educational institutions run SIM from time to time and why Islamic educational institutions need to manage SIM well, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of SIM in Islamic educational institutions. This research is library research whose object is sought. with various library information such as books, scientific journals, magazines, newspapers and documents. The results of this research show that: Information systems in educational institutions have changed over time, starting from manual information systems, computerization and digitalization. Islamic educational institutions need to manage actuating MIS well because this is the solution most widely used in managing academic data of educational institutions, capable of providing communication facilities, fast and accurate exchange of data and information. In today's digital era, Islamic educational institutions are increasingly aware of the importance of quality education. One step that can be taken is to implement a management information system in all educational activities at Islamic educational institutions. Examples of SIMs implemented by Islamic educational institutions are: EMIS, D-PDM, SIMPATIKA, PPDB SIM, LMS, Assessment MIS, and others.</p> Dewi Luthfiana Zunairoh Antiq Kusthon Tiniyyah Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 3 1 THE RELEVANCE OF KI HAJAR DEWANTARA'S THINKING ON MULTICULTURAL EDUCATIONAL VALUES <p>Cultural diversity is a characteristic of the Indonesian nation. Differences in ethnicity, culture, race, and religion often lead to conflicts that cannot be avoided. A conflict can be caused by weak multicultural education values, such as mutual respect, mutual understanding, mutual respect, mutual protection, mutual love, mutual support, and mutual support. So, there needs to be an ideal breakthrough so Indonesian people understand the importance of togetherness, harmony, and living peacefully amidst cultural diversity. Ki Hajar Dewantara was a pioneering father of education in Indonesia who had a spirit of nationalism and provided solutions by instilling multicultural values, especially in Indonesia. This research aims to determine the relevance of Ki Hajar Dewantara's thoughts on the values ​​of multicultural education. The method used in this research is library research. Data was collected by taking references from books, articles, journals, written notes, and theses. Then, analyze the data using descriptive analysis. The findings show significant relevance between Ki Hajar Dewantara's thoughts on the values ​​of multicultural education. This is proven by Ki Hajar Dewantara's thoughts on the equality of human, national, and cultural rights.</p> Wahyu Widodo Roni Susanto Nur Kolis Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 3 1 Differences between the 2013 Curriculum and the Independent Curriculum On Islamic Religious Education at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah <p>The Islamic Religious Education Curriculum the Covid-19 pandemic, which previously referred to the Decree of the Minister of Religion (KMA) Number 183 of 2019 concerning the PAI and Arabic Language Curriculum in Madrasas, now becomes the Directorate General of Education Decree No. 3211 concerning PAI and Arabic Learning Achievements. This research aims to analyze the differences between the 2013 curriculum and the independent curriculum in Islamic religious education, especially at the madrasah ibtidaiyah level. This research uses qualitative methods with a literature study approach. Data collection uses documentation. Data analysis used content analysis. The results showed that there had been several changes from the 2013 curriculum to the independent curriculum in Islamic religious education. There were differences in terms of objectives, characteristics, and editorial changes starting from aspects that changed to elements, core competencies changed to learning outcomes that were integrated into Profile of Pancasila student Rahmatal Lil Alamin. Basic competencies are the lesson objectives. The syllabus becomes the flow of learning objectives. RPP becomes a teaching module. Assessments are diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments. In preparing the flow, the flow is almost the same, only there are editorial changes. If the 2013 curriculum it starts with identifying core competencies, and basic competencies and then compiling the syllabus and lesson plans, then in the independent curriculum the flow starts with analyzing learning outcomes, and new learning objectives, developing a flow of learning objectives and teaching modules.</p> Nadlir Durroh Nasihatul Ummah Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 3 1 Analysis of the Implementation of the All One System Curriculum and Correlated Curriculum in the Organization of the Islamic Religious Education Curriculum at SDIT Nurul Islam Pare <p>The development of science in the era of globalization has had a major impact on the world of education in Indonesia. Globalization not only has a positive impact, but also has a negative impact on the nation's generation. One example of the negative impact of globalization is the degradation of character and morals. This moral degradation is also found among students today. This is of course the main focus of Indonesian education at the moment, where Indonesian education not only produces a generation that is intelligent but also has moral character and noble character. The current moral collapse of students makes the responsibility for Islamic religious education even higher. Therefore, Islamic education should be provided and applied to every aspect of learning activities or processes. Of course, the implementation of Islamic religious education in all these aspects must be well planned and organized in a school's curriculum. This research focuses on how the implementation of the Islamic religious education curriculum organization model occurs at SDIT Nurul Iman Pare. This research includes qualitative research using a descriptive approach. Data collection in this research uses interview techniques which will later be analyzed using interactive analysis according to Miles and Huberman. The results of this research explain that SDIT Nurul Islam Pare has organized the PAI curriculum well. This can be seen through the combination of two curriculum organization models, namely All in One System Curriculum and Correlated Curriculum. The aim of combining the two models is to make it easier for students to achieve learning goals. The implementation of these two models certainly requires good collaboration between teachers.</p> Umi Mahdyyah Nabila Agus Zaenul Fitri Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 3 1 Unpacking The Key to Success in Islamic Education: Management Strategies That Make a Difference <p><em>This research aims to find out the key to success in Islamic education, Islamic education management strategies and differences in management which are the keys to success in Islamic education. This research uses a literature study approach. By reviewing various relevant literature sources, such as books, scientific articles, research reports and policy documents, analysis is carried out systematically by grouping information based on main themes that emerge from various sources. The results of this research show that the success of Islamic education is very dependent on good management strategies. Combining Islamic educational principles with effective managerial practices, such as careful planning, training for teachers, and regular evaluation, can create a supportive learning environment. With this approach, educational institutions can more easily achieve the desired educational goals. Apart from that, it is important to involve all parties, such as teachers, parents and the community, in the education process. Collaboration and good communication between them can help utilize resources more effectively and ensure education policies are in line with Islamic values. With the right management strategy, Islamic education can develop better and achieve more satisfying results.</em></p> Ilham Yahya Romandoni Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-02-06 2024-02-06 3 1 Curriculum Management in Improving the Quality of Education at Al Kamal Blitar Integrated Islamic Boarding School <p>This research is motivated by the low quality of graduates produced by educational institutions in Indonesia, especially Islamic boarding schools. Apart from that, Islamic boarding school must be able to maintain their existence as education providers by producing quality graduates who meet competency standards and community needs. The research purpose are to determine curriculum planning, curriculum implementations, and curriculum evaluation in improving the quality of graduates at the Al Kamal Islamic boarding school.. The author uses qualitative research methods with a single case study type of research. Data collection uses interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques consist of data reduction, data presentation, as well as drawing conclusions and verification. The results of this research include 1) The curriculum at this Islamic boarding school combines traditional and modern curriculum, the curriculum is implemented dynamically following the times and conditions that are relevant for application. 2) Application of traditional curriculum such as diniyah learning, reciting the quran, <em>shawir</em> etc, and implementation of modern curriculum such as intensive Arabic and English, extracurriculars, etc. 3) Several evaluations of the curriculum have been carried out including: class mapping evaluations, daily, monthly and annual evaluations, and student graduation evaluations.</p> Abdur Rosyid Hasan Ahsin Fatawi Atqiya Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-02-06 2024-02-06 3 1 Implementation of International Curriculum Development in the Independent Curriculum at Al-Muhafidzoh Blitar High School <p>The Merdeka Curriculum has become the main focus of education reform in Indonesia, aiming to give schools freedom to design curricula according to local needs. However, in the context of globalization, implementing an international curriculum is also important to prepare students to face increasingly complex global challenges. This research uses qualitative methods which aim to investigate the implementation process of International Curriculum Development within the Independent Curriculum Framework at Al-Muhafidzoh Blitar High School, with a focus on implementation methods and approaches, challenges and obstacles faced, as well as the impacts and benefits resulting from the implementation. Research methods include participant observation, in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, and analysis of related documents to gain a comprehensive understanding. The research results show that a collaborative approach between schools, teachers and other stakeholders is an important basis in facilitating successful implementation. However, there are challenges such as a lack of understanding of international standards, limited resources, and curriculum adaptation which are obstacles that need to be overcome. Nonetheless, the positive impacts of the implementation, such as improved student academic achievement and better preparation to face global challenges, demonstrate the importance of the effort. Overall, this research provides an in-depth understanding of the implementation process of International Curriculum Development within the Independent Curriculum Framework at SMA Al-Muhafidzoh Blitar. By identifying effective methods, overcoming challenges, and exploiting the resulting benefits, this implementation has great potential to improve the quality of education and better prepare students to face an increasingly global future.</p> Candra Wijaya Agus Zaenul Fitri Khoirul Anam Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-02-06 2024-02-06 3 1 SANDI RACANA WIJAYA PRAMUKA UNNES PERSPECTIVE ON EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY AND CHARACTER BUILDING <p>This study aims to analyze the character values ​​contained in Sandi Wijaya Pramuka Unnes. This research uses a literature study method that uses articles, journals, and books. Character is a person's character, character, morals, or personality which is formed from the results of internalizing various virtues that are believed and used as a basis for perspective, thinking, behaving, and acting. The Scout Movement is a scouting organization that focuses on developing character, skills, and a love of nature and society. Sandi Wijaya Pramuka Racana Wijaya Unnes departs from the deepest reality of ethics, namely the obligation to behave properly. In addition, Sandi Wijaya also comes from noble values ​​contained in society, traditions, religion, and national ideology. Sandi Wijaya is expected to be able to realize Racana Wijaya scout members who understand knowledge and practice the teachings contained in the norms of the scout movement in everyday life. The character values ​​contained in Sandi Wijaya include 1) unyielding nature; 2) Confidence; 3) honest; 4) intelligent; 5) Patriotism; 6) creative; 7) having good morals; 8) Taqwa; 9) modest/humility; 10) Sensitive to the surrounding environment. .Character is a moral and mental quality whose formation is influenced by innate and environmental factors. The potential for good character a person has before birth must be continuously developed through socialization and education. Good or bad habits in students and the younger generation which indicate the quality of character are influenced by nurturing and nurturing factors. The process of socialization or education in the process of forming students' character lies in the role of parents (family), educational institutions, society and government.</p> Eko Sulistiyanto Ahmad Bachtiar Firdaus Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-02-06 2024-02-06 3 1 PERFORMANCE BASED TEAMWORK MANAGEMENT IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION MAN 1 TULUNGAGUNG <p>Madrasah as an Islamic educational institution must be able to optimize the performance of their teamwork. Solid teamwork will provide convenience to institutions in managing the educational wheels that are run so that it becomes one of the ways to improve the quality of education in accordance with the 8 National Education Standards. Photographing MAN 1 Tulungagung This research uses a qualitative method, with a case study approach. Methods of data collection in this study using interview techniques, observation, and documentation. The research subjects were selected using a purposive sampling method with the Madrasah Head as the data source. The components of teamwork management include Context, Team Composition, Work Design, and Process. MAN 1 Tulungagung has a vision of Realizing an Intelligent, Skilled, Superior Islamic Generation in Science and Technology (IPTEK), Research and Good Morals and Environmentally Cultured Based on Mutual Cooperation, the compositional structure of the MAN 1 Tulungagung team has a quality assurance team which includes Student Affairs, Curriculum, Sarpras, Public Relations, and Head of the Program. The design of the work clearly has targets that must be achieved by the teacher board with the excellence of research madrasas in collaboration with BRIN, with 48 titles of products and becoming national champions. While the components of the MAN 1 Tulungagung process apply marketing techniques, communication patterns in an egalitarian way, so there is no difference between educators and education staff.</p> Ahmad Bachtiar Firdaus Eko Sulistiyanto Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-02-07 2024-02-07 3 1 Madrasah Head as Supervisor in Improving the Quality of Learning in Min 9 Blitar <p>This study describes the head of the madrasah in his role as a supervisor to improve the quality of learning at MIN 9 Blitar. Supervisors act as coordinators, consultants, group leaders, and evaluators. The quality of learning is in accordance with the standards of the educational process including planning, implementing, evaluating learning. Therefore, the objectives of this study include: (1) the madrasah head as a supervisor in planning learning at MIN 9 Blitar, (2) the madrasah head as a supervisor in implementing learning at MIN 9 Blitar, (3) the madrasah head as a supervisor in learning assessment at MIN 9 Blitar. The research method uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use the Spradley model with the stages of domain analysis, taxonomy, componential, and analysis of cultural themes. The results and discussion of the research show that: supervisors by the head of the madrasah are carried out by, (1) coordinating the formulation of the syllabus, lesson plans, RTL and parents of students; (2) supervising administration, learning, clinical, and coordinating with agencies outside the madrasah; (3) coordinating and monitoring the Semester End Assessment, Year End Assessment, and coordinating with teachers. Thus, the conclusion given is that the head of the madrasa at MIN 9 Blitar is proven to have played an active role in improving the quality of learning with suggestions for conducting observational supervision of the entire class so that they know the development of the overall learning process of students.</p> Nur Kholifah Akrom Sulistyorini Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-02-07 2024-02-07 3 1 IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRATED QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN IMPROVING SCHOOL PERFORMANCE ON MAN 10 JUNE <p>Education is very important in improving the quality of Human Resources (HR), Quality education is the hope and desire for society. The implementation of Integrated Quality Management (MMT) when applied appropriately can help improve school performance. This study aims to find out the preparation of programs, program implementation, and factors that affect the implementation of integrated quality management. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are carried out by interviews, observations and documentation. The subjects in this study are school principals, teachers and employees. The results of the study show that: (1) SMK Negeri 1 Banda Aceh in the preparation of the program is guided by the basic principles of integrated quality management, (2) the implementation of integrated quality management carried out by the principal by involving all school supporters, the benefits of implementing integrated quality management are the improvement of teacher performance so that it affects student achievement and increases school performance, (3) factors that affect,&nbsp; First, supporting factors: the quality of human resources for teachers and principals is quite good, adequate infrastructure, a high level of public trust and interest, guardians and school committees, inhibiting factors: among others, human resources (HR) are not optimal and the work culture of teachers and employees is not in accordance with integrated quality management.</p> Rizal Nurkolis Prim Marokan Mutohar As'aril Muhajir Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-02-06 2024-02-06 3 1 THE ROLE OF THE EDUCATIONAL QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN ISLAMIC EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS <p><em>The quality of education is related to whether or not national education goals are achieved as stated in Law no. </em><em>20</em> <em>of</em> <em>2003</em> <em>concerning</em> <em>the</em><em> National Education System. Therefore, the quality of education can be said to be good if it meets National Education Standards. Fulfillment of minimum education standards which are </em><em>National</em> <em>Education Standards</em> <em>is a prerequisite for improving the quality</em> <em>of education,</em> <em>including madrasas. The emerging reality is that the quality of education in Indonesia is still quite far from expectations, especially </em><em>as the quality in most madrasas still experiences many </em><em>problems. Many madrasas do not meet the National </em><em>Education Standards, such as teaching and education staff who do not meet standardized qualifications and competencies, as well as inadequate facilities and infrastructure. This research uses a qualitative library study method, which is a type of qualitative research carried out by collecting data from written sources such as books, journals and scientific articles. The results of the research are facts regarding the importance of the role of the </em><em>education quality assurance system in improving the quality of education in Islamic Education Institutions.</em></p> Putri Fatrycya Neyly Saidah Hasim As’aril Muhajir Prim Masrokan Mutohar Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-02-08 2024-02-08 3 1 Ensuring the Quality of Islamic Education Through the Development of Quality Standards at MAN 1 Trenggalek <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>State Islamic Senior High School Trenggalek (MAN) as a formal Islamic education institution plays a significant role in fostering young generations who are faithful, knowledgeable, and morally upright. Efforts to achieve these goals need to be carried out through the development of comprehensive and sustainable education quality standards. This research aims to: (1) analyze the current condition of education quality standards in MAN, (2) identify factors influencing the development of quality standards, and (3) formulate an effective and contextual model for the development of quality standards. The research method employed is a qualitative model with a case study approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and documentation. Data analysis was conducted using the interactive analysis technique by Miles and Huberman. The research results are expected to provide theoretical and practical contributions to the development of Islamic educational quality standards. The resulting model is expected to enhance the quality of Islamic education and prepare young generations to excel in facing the era of globalization.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Muhammad Habibur Rohman As’aril Muhajir Prim Masrokan Mutohar Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-02-09 2024-02-09 3 1 Developing Benchmarking as an Effort to Improve Quality in Islamic Educational Institutions <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The enhancement of educational quality is a necessity for Islamic aducational institusions as high-quality educations is considered a key driver of cross-sector development. One effective approach to improving educational quality is through the practice of benchmarking. Benchmarking in the context of Islamic educational institusions is a continuous evaluation activity that involves comparison with other institusions regarded as the best or most outstanding. Consequently, Islamic educational institutions can identify, adopt, and implement best practices to significantly improve their quality.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> Tri Astutik Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 3 1 IMPLEMENTATION OF SCHOOL OPERATIONAL CURRICULUM: REVIEW OF DAS SEIN AND DAS SOLLEN AT AL-MUHAFIZHOH JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, BLITAR CITY <p>This article discusses the implementation of the operational curriculum at Al-Muhafizhoh Junior High School in Blitar city. The school operational curriculum is prepared by considering the situation and conditions of the school, students and the environment, intended for all school residents, especially students, educators and education staff. The purpose of this research is to find out the actual conditions (Das Sein) and ideal conditions (Das Sollen), standards and objectives of curriculum development, as well as discuss gaps and strategies to overcome gaps in curriculum implementation in the school. The method used by the researcher is a qualitative approach, the type of research is field <em>research </em>which is oriented towards general description (<em>descriptive study</em>), namely field observation about the implementation&nbsp; of the curriculum at Al-Muhafizhoh Junior High School, Blitar City.</p> Kasyful Kurob Agus Zainul Fitri Khairul Anam Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-02-09 2024-02-09 3 1 TYPOLOGY OF LEADERSHIP IN IMPROVING PERFORMANCE QUALITY <p><em>Leadership basically deals with the skills, abilities, and level of influence a person has; so that he is able to influence others to jointly carry out certain activities to achieve certain goals. The difference between managers and leaders in general is that a manager only deals with objects, structures, systems and efficiency. Whereas a leader deals with effectiveness, people, empowering and channeling the potential possessed by others. An important factor that determines employee performance is leadership. Because Leadership describes the relationship between the leader and the leader &amp; how a leader directs followers will determine how far the follower reaches the leader's goals or expectations.</em></p> Siska Nor Eliza Sulistyorini Nur Efendi Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-02-10 2024-02-10 3 1 Buying And Selling Sago Piles At Youtefa Market In Jayapura From Sharia Perspective <p>Sale and purchase is an agreement to exchange an object or item that has value voluntarily, which is carried out by two parties, by individuals, businesses, and organisations to obtain the goods or services they need or make a profit. Voluntariness in buying and selling will occur if&nbsp; sellers and buyers are objective in their transactions. A unique phenomenon exists in the market of&nbsp; Youtefa market in Jayapura, Papuan mothers who sell sago, in the transaction</p> <p>using doses only, without going through the weighing process, so that the contents are not the same. not the same.</p> <p>Research This research uses qualitative by describing the phenomenon of Papuan mama-mama&nbsp; sago buying and selling transactions by measure. The focus of this research is twofold, firstly how the buying and selling of sago piles in the Youtefa Jayapura market. Youtefa Jayapura market. The second focus&nbsp; how the buying and selling of sago piles in the Youtefa Jayapura market in the perspective of sharia.</p> <p>&nbsp;The result of&nbsp; of this research, buying and selling using doses in the case of buying and selling sago by Papuan mothers is not in conflict with sharia principles. mama-mama Papua, does not contradict the principles of sharia.</p> Hendra Yulia Rahman Shofwan Al Jauhari Rifqi As'adah Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 INFLUENCE OF PUBLIC FIGURE ENDORSE , HOSPITALITY , AND PERCEPTION OF EASE OF MEMBER'S DECISION TO SAVE AT KSPPS TEKUN SAHABAT MANDIRI WITH WORD OF MOUTH AS A MODERATION VARIABLE <p>This research aims to determine the influence of Public Figure Endorsement, Hospitality , and Perception of Convenience to decision Save In KSPPS in Moderation by Word Of Mouth. Population study This is member saver KSPPS PERSISTENT FRIEND INDEPENDENT totaling 3,264 with a sample size of 96 members. Sampling is based on the Slovin formula. technique collection data that is with give questionnaire to member saver. The data obtained will be subjected to descriptive analysis to determine the description of the research subject, then the Classical Assumption Test will be carried out which includes the Normality Test, Multicollinearity Test, Heteroscedasticity Test and Linearity Test. The final stage is to do it test MRA For know influence variable Moderation. Results from study This show that Public Figures Endorsement And Perception Convenience matters&nbsp;significant&nbsp;to&nbsp;decision&nbsp;saving , however Hospitality does not have a significant effect on the decision to save, this is shown. Whereas Word Of Mouth capable moderate public figures Endorsement to the decision to save , will but Word Of Mouth No can moderate hospitality And perception ease to decision save</p> Zunita Widyasari Ahmad Mifdlol Muthohar Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 The Urgency of Carbon-Based Market Mechanisms for Reducing Emissions in Indonesia (PJOK No. 14 of 2023) <p>This article discusses carbon trading as a form of market-based mechanism in efforts to reduce emissions in Indonesia. By referring to PJOK regulation no. 14 of 2023 as a legal instrument related to carbon trading mechanisms, it is found that carbon trading is a market-based mechanism to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through buying and selling carbon units. This has the effect of many companies buying carbon from companies that use less carbon. This then raises the question: what are the benefits for companies that are able to reduce carbon use. The research method used in this research is juridical-normative with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. By reviewing the regulations and norms related to carbon trading arrangements. That companies that are able to reduce carbon emissions are able to earn additional profits from selling carbon, and continue to be intensive in continuing to reduce carbon.</p> Mir’atul Hayati Meli Ekhsanti Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 IMPLEMENTATION OF CASH WAQF LINK SUKUK (CWLS) IN THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE UMMAH ACCORDING TO THE PERSPECTIVE OF CONTEMPORARY SCHOLARS <p>Waqf plays two very important roles in Islamic history, namely economic and social. Providing innovation in developing waqf is Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS) provides integration to the waqf funding itself by securitizing through State Sharia Securities (SBSN) or Sukuk. This research aims to know and understand the role of CWLS in economic, social and emphasizes the sustainable development of the ummah itself. The implementation of CWLS has been carried out and started to develop more sustainable development for the community to realize the importance of this productive waqf. The results of this study found that waqf has great urgency and significance in the sustainable development of the people. CWLS is an instrument in social finance and its implications in the economy. From this finding, it is suggested that when the country experiences high poverty, then CWLS is developed and manage waqf to provide benefits to the wider community and grow and actively contribute to the National economy to realize the welfare of the community and the sustainable development of the people.</p> Achmad Fageh Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 The effect of exports, imports, labor, and IHDI on economic growth with investment from China as a moderating variable <p>This study was conducted to determine the influence of exports, imports, labor, Islamic Human Development Index (IHDI) on economic growth with investment from China as moderation variable. The data of this study is panel data on 33 provinces in Indonesia in the period 2014-2022 from Central Statistics Agency, Central Bank, and Investment Coordinating Board.&nbsp; Hypothesis testing of this study used regression analysis and Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) with E-views 9 program. The result of this study shows that partially export had a positive and significant effect on economic growth,while imports, IHDI and investment from China have no significant effect on economic growth. In addition, the result also shows that the investment from China cannot moderate the effect of imports and IHDI on economic growth. There is a need for new regulation in the application of investment from China. So, that they can provide benefits to the Indonesian economy. In this way, it will create prosperity for the community in accordance with the goals of Islam, namely the achievement of falah.</p> Nurul Anggesti Merdayanti Anton Bawono Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 ADOPTION OF SHARIA FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR MUSLIM YOUTH <p>This research aims to investigate the opportunities and challenges faced by Muslim Youth in adopting sharia Fintech. Sharia fintech is a financial innovation that combines sharia principles with information technology, providing new opportunities for Muslim Youth to manage finances Islamically. This research explores knowledge, attitudes and perceptions, experiences and factors that influence Muslim Youth regarding the adoption of sharia Fintech, as well as analyzing opportunities and challenges for Muslim Youth in adopting sharia Fintech. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The research sample consisted of Muslim youth aged 17-34 years. The data analysis technique used is qualitative analysis of qualitative data from interviews and questionnaires analyzed using the thematic analysis method. The data analysis process involved several components, namely data reduction, presenting data displayed in tables, and drawing conclusions. The research results show that Muslim Youth who have a deep understanding of sharia principles support the adoption of sharia Fintech, while trust regarding data security and unsatisfactory user experience are the main challenges. User satisfaction regarding a clear profit sharing system is the main driver of adoption. Nevertheless, Muslim Youth see great opportunities in utilizing sharia Fintech to gain easy, fast and in line with religious values.</p> Salsabila Luqman Nur Atiqah Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 Management of Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah, and Waqf (ZISWAF)-Based Education Financing in the Implementation of Education Programs (Case Study at Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Madinah Al Hijrah Cimanuk-Pandeglang) <p>This article discusses the implementation of Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah, and Waqf-based education financing management (ZISWAF) in the implementation of educational programs at Yayasan Madinah Al-Hijrah. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research approach to explore and analyze the budgeting, accounting, and auditing stages in the management of ZISWAF funds. The implementation of ZISWAF funds is also evaluated whether it is by the Financial Foundation Law and Islamic Sharia principles. The results showed that implementing ZISWAF-based education financing management at Yayasan Madinah Al Hijrah followed systematic stages, ranging from careful budgeting planning, identification of effective fundraising strategies, and transparent accounting and auditing processes. ZISWAF funds are used to support various educational programs, including scholarships, the development of educational facilities, and the improvement of education quality. In addition, the implementation of ZISWAF funds has complied with the Financial Foundation Law and upholds Islamic Sharia principles. This research provides insight into best practices in the management of ZISWAF funds to support education and underscores the importance of transparency, accountability, and integrity in the use of these funds. The implications of this research can help other educational institutions that seek to utilize ZISWAF as a source of financing for their educational programs.</p> Euis Asyiah Anis Zohriah Anis Fauzi Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-24 2024-01-24 3 1 IHTIKAR FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF POSITIVE LAW AND ISLAMIC ECONOMIC ETHICS (Case Study of Scarcity of Nine Basic Ingredients in Tulungagung Regency) <p>Background of this research was by the occurrence of scarcity of nine basic commodities both at the national level in Indonesia and especially in Tulungagung Regency. The scarcity of nine basic commodities that had occurred previously was caused by several factors, including adverse weather conditions, hoarding practices, crop failures, and others.</p> <p>The problem formulas addressed in this research included: (1) how were the efforts made by the Tulungagung Regency government to prevent scarcity of the nine basic commodities in Tulungagung Regency?, (2) How were the acts of hoarding in the distribution of the nine basic commodities in Tulungagung Regency from the perspective of positive law and Islamic economic ethics?. The research adopted a qualitative descriptive approach, and data collection techniques employed include observation, interviews, and documentation.</p> <p>The results of this research could be summarized as follows: Firstly, the local government of Tulungagung Regency, as part of its responsibility, had made several efforts to prevent scarcity of the nine basic commodities in the region through authorized agencies such as The Tulungagung Food Security Agency and The Tulungagung Industry and Trade Agency. These efforts included the establishment of the Tulungagung regional food security team, strengthening of The Community Food Distribution Institution and The Development of Community Food Business Institutions, and organizing The Cheap Food Movement conducted nine times in a year. Secondly, the act of storing the nine basic commodities by traders in Tulungagung Regency was not merely hoarding, but rather a way for the traders to anticipate price increases and availability of food products nearing national religious holidays in order to serve consumers on those days.</p> Syavita Wirarti Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 3 1 Waqaf Sukuk in Indonesia Perspective of Maqashid Syariah Al Najjar (Legal Analysis Study on Waqf Sukuk Series SWR003) <p>This research is motivated by researchers' observations of the Waqf Sukuk program which has developed so rapidly in the last five years. In fact, every two years a new series of Waqf Sukuk is published. To date, three series of Waqf Sukuk have been published, consisting of; SWR001 Series Waqf Sukuk, SWR002 Series Waqf Sukuk, SWR003 Series Waqf Sukuk. So does this rapid development bring a lot of good to the people or is it the opposite. So with this the researcher will study Waqf Sukuk in Indonesia in the thoughts of maqashid sharia Abdul Majid al-Najjar with his book entitled Maqashid al-Syariah bi Ab'ad Jadidah. The method used in writing is the case study method with a qualitative research approach and descriptive qualitative research type. The results of research on the SWR003 Series Waqf Sukuk show that: (1) The SWR003 Series Waqf Sukuk in Indonesia is a food security program in the form of empowering farmers in breeding and fattening livestock. (2) Regarding the implementation of the SWR003 Waqf Sukuk in Indonesia, it produces yield innovations. (3) Abdul Majid an-Najjar's perspective of the Waqf Sukuk series SWR003 is deemed to be in accordance with several elements presented in an-Najjar's thinking. First, maintaining the value of human life (<em>Hifdz qimat al-Hayah al-Insaniyyah</em>). Second, maintaining the material dimensions of life (<em>Hifdz al-Muhit al-Maddi</em>). Third, maintaining human essence (<em>Hifdz al-Dhat al-Insaniyyah</em>). Fourth, Maintaining the social system of society (<em>Hifdz al-Mujtama'</em>)</p> Reka Sakhinatur Rochma Iffatin Nur Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 3 1 BPJS Health Patient Guarantee on Claim for Birth Operation with The Indonesian Case Base Groups System Maqaship Syariah Perspective <p>The background of this research is that the claims payment system using INA-CBGs often results in problems in type C hospitals where the INA-CBG's tariff system is considered to be burdensome for hospitals because the comparison between INA-CBG's rates and real costs is very much different, one of which is the cost of caesarean delivery. for BPJS Health participants. Claims for INA-CBGs for caesarean section are based on the type of hospital and cost sharing is not allowed by the patient if the patient uses BPJS Health services according to class and drug administration must comply with the national formulary which is the provision of BPJS Health.</p> <p>The formulation of the problems in this study are: (1) How is the guarantee for BPJS Kesehatan patients in claims for childbirth operations with the Indonesian Case Base Groups Perspective Maqashid Syariah system? (2) What is the practice of paying BPJS Kesehatan patients for claims for childbirth operations with the Indonesian Case Base Groups system at Bhayangkara Tulungagung Hospital? (3) What is the impact caused by BPJS Health patients on claims for childbirth operations with the Indonesian Case Base Groups system at Bhayangkara Tulungagung Hospital in terms of Maqashid Syariah Perspective?</p> <p>To analyze the assurance of BPJS Kesehatan patients on claims for childbirth operations with the Indonesian Case Base Groups Perspective Maqashid Syariah system.</p> <p>The results of this study indicate that (1) Guarantee of BPJS Kesehatan patients in claims for childbirth operations with the Indonesian Case Base Groups system in accordance with maqashid sharia protection for life/life (ḥifẓ al-nafs) where this protection is realized by making decisions at the right time to add medicines or replace them with drugs that are more needed by patients even with the consequence that the INS CBGs claim value is less than the operational costs incurred by Bhayangkara Tulungagung Hospital. (2) The practice of paying BPJS Kesehatan patients for claims for childbirth operations with the Indonesian Case Base Groups system at Bhayangkara Hospital is lower than the fee for service rate, causing the hospital to take efficiency measures by cutting actions that are not cost effective. (3) The impact caused by BPJS Kesehatan patients on claims for childbirth operations with the Indonesian Case Base Groups system at Bhayangkara Tulungagung Hospital can be handled properly so that the benefits of religion and the world can be realized in accordance with Maqashid Syariah Hifdz An-Nafs.</p> Wiwin Achmawanti Nur Aziz Muslim Qomarul Huda Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 3 1 SHARIA STOCK MARKET REACTION ON THE JAKARTA ISLAMIC INDEX (JII) FACING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN INDONESIA <p>This study aims to examine the reaction of the Sharia Stock Market Reaction on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) Facing the Covid average abnormal return, average trading volume -19 Pandemic in Indonesia. The event tested was the announcement of Covid-19 as Indonesia's national disaster. This study uses the average daily abnormal return and average daily trading volume activity to test the information announcement of the Covid-19 announcement as a national disaster has a significant effect on the market. The population of this study are all companies listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) in 2020. The research sample is companies listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) with sample selection criteria using purposive sampling method. This study uses an event study method with a 60, 30, and 10 day window period. The data were analyzed using the T-test. The calculation of expected return uses the market adjused model method using the market index return for estimation capital. The results showed that: (1) There is no significant average abnormal return around the day of the Covid-19 National Disaster Announcement, (2) There is a significant average abnormal return between 5 days before and after the Covid-19 national disaster announcement, and there is no significant average abnormal return between 15 days and 30 days before and after the Covid-19 national disaster announcement, (3) There is a significant average trading volume activity around the day of the Covid-19 National Disaster Announcement, (4) There is no significant average trading volume activity between 5 days, 15 days, and 30 days before and after the Covid-19 national disaster announcemen.</p> Elya Safitri Agus Eko Sujianto Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 3 1 The Influence of Macroeconomic Variables on Net Asset Value Growth Islamic Mutual Funds In Indonesia During The Covid-19 Pandemic <p>This study was conducted in response to the economic turmoil that hit Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic. During the period from March 2020 to December 2022, the Islamic capital market in Indonesia showed an impressive increase in performance, despite the overall macroeconomic conditions being disrupted by the economic crisis. This prompted research to investigate the relationship between macroeconomic variables and the performance of Islamic mutual funds during the pandemic. This study aims to analyze the relationship between the Net Asset Value (NAV) of Islamic Mutual Funds in Indonesia and macroeconomic variables, including inflation, money supply, rupiah exchange rate, central bank interest rate, and Islamic stock index during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used is a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression models. This type of research is associative research, and the sample was selected using saturated sampling technique. The data used is secondary data collected through online observation. The results showed that simultaneously, inflation, money supply, rupiah exchange rate, central bank interest rate, and Islamic stock index significantly affect the NAV of Islamic Mutual Funds. However, partially, inflation, exchange rate, central bank interest rate, and Islamic stock index have no significant influence on the NAV of Islamic Mutual Funds, while the money supply has a negative influence on the NAV of Islamic Mutual Funds. This study provides valuable insights into how macroeconomic factors contribute to investment performance in Islamic mutual funds during times of economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.</p> Ivana Pangestuti M. Aswad Binti Nur Asiyah Khusnul Mufidati Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 3 1 Financial Performance Based on Financial Value Added of BUMN Companies Listed in Jakarta Islamic Index <p>The presence of the capital market is important in helping the country's economy. The capital market is a tool to raise or reduce funds, both foreign and domestic. In particular, in the practice of conventional economic activities in the capital market, there are some contemplations that violate Islamic financial principles. The financial instruments used and the transaction process distinguish the conventional capital market from the Islamic capital market. On the other hand, issuers must know the difference between the Islamic stock index and the conventional stock index as a standard stock that must be achieved.</p> <p>To generate added value for investors, businesses must perform well compared to their shareholders' expectations. The performance of a business is reflected in its financial statements, which include earnings and cash flow from operations. Financial analysis tools are used as an assessment of financial performance in the company. One of the financial analysis tools is financial statements. Economic Value Added and Financial Value Added are used to analyze financial statements.</p> <p>This paper uses quantitative descriptive methodology. The data used in the study is secondary data sourced from OJK. The sample in the study was BUMN companies listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) in 2018-2022. The results showed that the value of Financaial Value Added at PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. was declared good, with an average value of 540,44. PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk. declared good, with an average value of 629,86. PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. declared good, by obtaining an average value of 808,26. PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk. declared good with an average value of 268,72.</p> Adimas Agus Ahmad Asy’arie Ulia Rifaatul Hidayah Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 3 1 The Urgency of Principles in Developing Arabic Teaching Materials in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah <table class="NormalTable"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="550"><span class="fontstyle0">This research discusses the preparation of Arabic teaching materials in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah with a<br>comprehensive approach that integrates linguistic, psychological, pedagogical, and cultural aspects. This<br>research uses qualitative type with content analysis method. The data collection technique used </span><span class="fontstyle2">coding<br>sheet </span><span class="fontstyle0">technique. The results showed the urgency of preparing teaching materials including four<br>principles. The linguistic principle is used as the basis, with an emphasis on the differences and<br>similarities between the learners' mother tongue and Arabic. The psychological approach includes<br>understanding motivation and adapting the material to the learners' level of understanding. Pedagogical<br>aspects involve setting clear learning objectives and using the textbook as a strategic tool. Cultural and<br>cultural principles are considered in both Arabic and local contexts. This research provides important<br>guidance for the preparation of Arabic teaching materials in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah to create a more<br>effective learning environment.</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ali Wafa Zuha Prisma Salsabila Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 تطبيق نموذج تقييم كونتينانس ستيك على تعليم اللغة العربية (دراسة الحالة في المدرسة المتوسطة الإسلامية سونان كونونج جاتي، تولونج أجونج) <p>يعد التقييم في التعليم نشاطًا مهمًا لمعرفة نتائج التعليم وفعالية وكفاءة تنفيذ التعليم. تهدف هذه المقالة إلى معرفة تقييم تعليم اللغة العربية في المدرسة المتوسطة الإسلامية سونان كونونج جاتي، تولونج أجونج بناءً على جودة تخطيط التقييم، وعملية التعليم، وتنفيذ التقييم في تعليم اللغة العربية. هذا البحث هو البحث التقييمي لنموذج كونتينانس ستيك، مع المنهج الوصفي الكمي. وكان المشاركون في هذا البحث هم معلمو اللغة العربية وطلاب الصف الثامن في تلك المدرسة. استخدمت طرق تحليل البيانات التحليل الكمي الوصفي. أظهرت النتائج أن (1) تخطيط تقييم عنصر الاكتمال في تعليم اللغة العربية كان في فئة جيد جداً، في حين أن ملاءمته مع تصميم التعليم والمنهج كان في فئة جيد، (2) تنفيذ التعليم كان في فئة جيدة مع الأخذ في الاعتبار الإشارة إلى الملاءمة بين خطة التقييم التي أعدها المعلم وتنفيذ التقييم داخل الفصل في الفئة الجيدة، (3) تقييم تعليم اللغة العربية كان في الفئة الجيدة، ونتائج تعليم الطلاب في الفئة الجيدة الحد الأدنى من معايير الإتقان.</p> Choiruddin Mochamad Chobir Sirad Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 3 1 Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd): Utilization Frequencies in EFL Writing Class of Higher Education <p>Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd) has been a very popular subject of many studies (Zawacki-Ritcher, 2019). The emergence of various online AIEd platforms is an interesting topic to discuss. One of the most popular AIEd is QuillBot. Several studies regarding perception, views, content analysis, and experimental studies dealing with this application have been done. However, students’ frequency of utilizing each feature of QuillBot has not been discussed yet. Therefore, the objectives of this research are to seek students’ awareness of the emergence of AI, such as QuillBot, for writing, how frequently students incorporate QuillBot in writing activities, and also their reasons for integrating QuillBot in writing activities. The study is a survey research design that employs a questionnaire to collect the data. 22 EFL students from several semesters at Nahdatul Ulama University of Blitar were selected randomly as participants. The findings show that the majority of students are aware of QuillBot's existence and have experience using it, and their frequency level of using QuillBot’s features is average, as indicated by 55% of their overall score. Further, the most frequent feature used by the students is Paraphraser, which they access using their computer to check sentence grammar, level up the quality of their writing, and avoid plagiarism.</p> Riana Atik Yustiana Arina Shofiya Erna Iftanti Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 3 1 Analysis of the Concept of Happiness in the Filosofi Teras Book According to Al-Farabi's Perspective <p>Every human being wants to be able to achieve happiness in various ways and efforts. The concept of happiness in the Filosofi Teras emphasizes negative situations, which is different from the concept of happiness in general, which emphasizes efforts to build positive situations. The concept of happiness is interesting to study further with his analysis of Al-Farabi's perspective. The research method used in the preparation of this article is library research. The data used in this study are documents. The documents used in this study, namely the book Philosophy of Teras by Henry Manampiring and Tanbih al-Sa'adah by Al-Farabi, were the main data sources in this study. Secondary data sources in this study are several books, articles, and journals that have similarities in discussion with research. The data analysis used in this research is content analysis. The results of the study show that the concept of happiness in the Filosofi Teras book has coherence with Al-Farabi's perspective in the Tanbih al-Sa'adah book, in which there are four virtues of the concept of happiness, namely theoretical virtues, thinking virtues, moral virtues and creative virtues. The primacy of thinking is the main discussion in the concept of happiness in the Filosofi Teras book by Henry Manapiring.</p> Ana Ulin Nadhirin Akhyak Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 Buya Hamka's Philosophy in Lembaga Budi and Its Contribution to Islamic Education: A Hermeneutical Study of Gadamer <p>Buya Hamka's philosophy about Budi is contained in his phenomenal work, the Lembaga Budi. The Lembaga Budi contains advice on how a person should act based on good character based on the guidance of the Al-Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. This research focuses on studying the "Buya Hamka philosophy" (material objects) as a study of "Hermeneutics" (formal objects), along with its contribution to Islamic education. The main aim is to present Buya Hamka's thoughts as an alternative new understanding, as well as offering his contribution to the development of Islamic education. The method used by researchers is qualitative with a hermeneutical philosophical analysis approach. Hermeneutic philosophy is part of philosophical thoughts that try to provide answers to problems in human life by interpreting what humans receive from history and tradition. This was done because the researcher wanted to understand in depth Buya Hamka's philosophy through the lens of Gadamer's Hermeneutical Philosophy. Researchers also examine Buya Hamka's philosophy by studying the opinions of Fahruddin Faiz as an observer of Gadamer and Buya Hamka's works. The results of the research show that Buya Hamka's philosophy of budi makes a major contribution to Islamic education, especially in the form of budi guidelines for educators or teachers in providing learning in educational institutions.</p> Elfani Hunafa Salsabella Akhyak Muhammad Teguh Ridwan Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 1 MILLENNIAL GENERATION: THE CONCEPT OF HAPPINESS FROM BUYA HAMKA'S PERSPECTIVE <p>In recent times, many people agree and believe that the millennial era is a time of peace, tranquility, comfort, and, of course, happiness. However, not everyone can find their happiness in this highly technological age, as there are numerous challenges and events that did not exist in traditional times. The research conducted in this study is library research, with secondary data sources such as journals, theses, and other literary works. The data analysis method used in this research is content analysis. Regarding the results, Buya Hamka argued that the concept of happiness is fundamentally about experiencing peace of mind. Having a calm soul ensures that a person possesses a healthy intellect, heartfelt conviction, and good character. In terms of the path to achieve happiness, according to Buya Hamka, it can be divided into three fundamental aspects: Religion, Reason, and Morality/Ethics.</p> Arika Oernika Mahanani Hak Cipta (c) 2024 2024-01-08 2024-01-08 3 1