PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAM, LAW, AND SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAM, LAW, AND SOCIETY en-US (incoils) (incoils) Mon, 24 Feb 2025 02:09:07 +0000 OJS 60 Religious Experience Enhances Students' Religious Practice This study aims to examine the influence of religious experience on the religious practice of junior high school students in Central Lombok. The method used is a quantitative method with a survey approach. Data was collected through a questionnaire distributed to 426 junior high school students in Central Lombok. Data analysis was carried out using factor analysis to see the influence of independent variables on dependent variables. The results showed the direct influence of religious experience on religious practice with a probability of p < 0.05 and a t-statistical value exceeding 1.96. The contribution of religious experience is 29.9%, with a t-statistic of 5.695. The results of the study show that the higher the religious promotion of students, the better the religious activities practiced. The conclusion of this study confirms that religious experience has a significant influence on students' religious practice. Muhamad Mansur,, Fahrurrozi, Mohammad Iwan Fitriani, Yusuf Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence of Managerial Competence and Learning Supervision on Madrasah Quality with the Intervening Variable of Teacher Professionalism Madrasah quality is the demand and hope of the global community in the current competitive era. Quality madrasah are in demand by many educational customers. Quality madrasah also encourage healthy competition between educational institutions, thereby creating a positive impetus to improve the quality of education. This research aims to test various theories regarding the influence of managerial competence, learning supervision, and teacher professionalism on the quality of madrasah. The research approach used is quantitative with a correlational research type. The study included 203 teachers from State Tsanawiyah Madrasahs across Blitar Regency as respondents. The research was carried out in November 2023-February 2024. Data was analyzed based on the SEM-PLS (Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square) model using the SmartPLS 3 application program. The results of this research show the conclusions: (1) Managerial competence significantly impacts the quality of madrasahs; (2) Learning supervision has a significant impact on the quality of madrasahs; (3) Teacher professionalism significantly affects the quality of madrasahs; (4) There is a significant influence of managerial competence on the quality of madrasah through teacher professionalism; (5) Learning supervision does not exert a significant influence on the quality of madrasahs through teacher professionalism. Dendys Darmawan, Prim Masrokan Mutohar, Binti Maunah Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Digital Book Creator Education Transformation Opens New Dimensions of Science Learning The phenomenon of conventional learning that still dominates elementary education, especially in the subject of science and natural sciences, is the basis for this research. Observations at SDN Pakis 5 Surabaya identified that the use of less dynamic printed teaching materials had an impact on the lack of interest and learning achievement of students. Using the Research and Development (R&D) approach with an adaptation of the Borg and Gall model modified into 9 steps, this study applied various data collection methods including observation, interviews, questionnaires, and evaluation of learning outcomes. The results of the study showed that: (1) The design of digital learning materials based on Book Creator succeeded in presenting comprehensive multimedia content including text, images, sound, and educational videos; (2) The implementation process was carried out through a series of trials, both limited and field; (3) The effectiveness of this innovation was proven by a significant increase in student learning outcomes. Based on positive feedback from various parties and student progress in participating in more effective and enjoyable learning, it can be concluded that the development of digital content using Book Creator succeeded in improving the academic performance of grade V students of SDN Pakis 5 Surabaya in the subject of science and natural sciences, especially in the discussion of ecosystem harmony. Dhona Ayu Qomara, Adi Wijayanto, Musrikah Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Konsep, Model, dan Implementasi Manajemen Strategik dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan Islam di MAN 4 Kediri Strategic management is the formulation of the strategic concept of an organization, or organizational sub-unit to achieve the desired goals. In madrasah, strategic management can be achieved through the cooperation of all elements. The purpose of writing this article is to understand the concept, model, and implementation of madrasah-based strategic management in improving the quality of education at MAN 4 Kediri. This research is a descriptive qualitative study to describe phenomena or events in depth and detail, focusing on understanding the context, experiences, and perceptions of research subjects. Data collection is done through observation, interviews and documentation studies which are then analyzed inductively to produce a holistic understanding of the phenomenon under study. The results showed that madrasah-based strategic management is a continuous process starting from strategic formulation, implementation, review and improvement. The model is in the form of management based on Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Information Technology, Total Quality (TQM), Educational Innovation, and Participatory management. In its implementation, the academic work program, student affairs, infrastructure and public relations are the basis for the preparation of the Madrasah Work Plan (RKM) which serves as a guideline for the implementation and development of the madrasah. This RKM produces quality education that is able to answer various challenges and problems.Quality improvement at MAN 4 Kediri can be seen by the number of students who continue their education to a higher level through the SMBT, SMBP and SPAN PTKIN channels. Andi Sulistio, Sulistyorini, Agus Zaenul Fitri Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Effectiveness of Physical Environment Change Management on Student Satisfaction at MTs Negeri 9 Kediri This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of physical environment change management in improving student satisfaction at MTs Negeri 9 Kediri. A mixed method approach was employed , utilizing both quantitative and qualitative data explore how effective physical environment management contribute to student satisfaction . The research respondents consisted of 175 eighth grade students , selected using Slovin's formula with a 5% margin of error . Data were collected through questionnaire and analyzed using Partial Least Squares (PLS) with SmartPLS version 3.0 software . The results indicated a significant structural relationship between physical environment change management and student satisfaction , with a path coefficient value of 0.937. This value demonstrates that the more effective the physical environment change management implemented , the higher the level of student satisfaction achieved .These findings highlights the importance of continuous improvement in education facilities to create a supportive learning environment . Meilinda Ade Prastiwi, Binti Maunah, Asrof Syafi’i Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Management Innovation in School Cooperatives to Improve the Economic Stability of Islamic Educational Institutions This article discusses the role of school cooperative management innovation in enhancing the economic stability of the Al Azhaar Baitul Khoir Islamic Educational Institution in Bandung Tulungagung. The main focus of this research is how the school cooperative implements various innovations in managerial aspects, such as product diversification, the use of technology in transactions, entrepreneurship training programs, and financial transparency. The research uses a qualitative approach with a case study to explore data related to the innovations applied in this school cooperative. The findings of the study indicate that these innovations have had a positive impact on the sustainability of the cooperative, increased member participation, and strengthened the economic stability of the educational institution. Additionally, the school cooperative also plays a significant role in empowering members through the distribution of dividends and collaboration with external parties. This study reveals that if managed well and implementing the right innovations, a school cooperative can become a sustainable economic pillar for an Islamic educational institution. Fatkurohim, Sulistyorini Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Principal's Leadership Strategy in Realizing the Vision and Mission at SMAS Islam Sunan Gunung Jati Tulungagung This study aims to find out the leadership strategy of the principal at SMAS Islam Sunan Gunung Jati Tulungagung in realizing the vision and mission which consist the formulation, implementation, and evaluation. This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The data collection was done through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and document analysis involving various participants such as the principal, teachers, and administrative staff. The data analysis technique in this study was done in three stages that were data condensation, data presentation, and verification of findings. The results of the study showed that (1) The formulation of the principal's leadership in realizing the vision and mission wass by using a soft power approach from the principal, determining policies by prioritizing psychological aspects. (2) The implementation was by providing compensation to employees, implementing inclusive policies, empowering staff with an Islamic approach, and providing facilities that correlate with the institution's capacity. (3) The evaluation of this policy showed that employees become more disciplined in working, increasing productivity, and loyalty to the institution. Choiruddin, Agus Zaenul Fitri, Sulistyorini, Liatul Rohmah Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 DEVELOPMENT OF ANDROID-BASED EXPOMATH MEDIA WITH A DIFFERENTIATED APPROACH TO IMPROVE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES AND INTERESTS The creation of the Android-based Expomath media stems from the limited availability of learning resources that leverage technology with a differentiated approach, particularly for ranked number material. Additionally, there is a gap in the utilization of technological advancements to create learning tools tailored to diverse student needs. This study aims to enhance students' learning outcomes and interests by providing engaging, interactive media aligned with various learning styles. The research adopts the Research and Development (R&D) approach using the ADDIE model, encompassing Analysis, Planning, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation phases. The study was carried out in grade X of the Private Vocational School of the Padangsidimpuan Campus, employing both quantitative and qualitative data. Data collection methods included observations, interviews, questionnaires, tests, and documentation. The validity and practicality of the media were evaluated using a Likert scale (1-5), yielding a validity score of 92.02% and a practicality score of 92.03%, which were interpreted based on established criteria. The effectiveness test indicated an improvement in student learning outcomes, as shown by the N-Gain test results, with increases of 52.52% and 64.22%, both categorized as medium. Expomath media demonstrated a clear distinction in learning outcomes before and after its implementation. Students’ understanding of the ranked number concept improved significantly following the use of Expomath. This media has been proven valid, practical, and effective, making it a valuable tool for enhancing learning quality and benefiting students, teachers, and schools in improving educational outcomes. Lenni Yunita Harahap, Mariam Nasution, Ahmad Nizar Rangkuti Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 REVITALIZATION OF MAPK AND MAK: PILLARS OF CLERICAL REGENERATION IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION The regeneration of ulama through MAK is an important step in producing cadres of leaders who have extensive Islamic religious knowledge, noble morals, da'wah skills, and effective leadership. This study aims to discuss the efforts of ulama education in Indonesia through the Madrasah Aliyah Program Keagamaan (MAPK) and Madrasah Aliyah Keagamaan (MAK) programs, as well as to highlight the process of regeneration of ulama through these programs. The method used in this research is library research with a descriptive qualitative approach. Data were obtained from various sources of literature relevant to the research topic, then analyzed using content analysis to explore the meaning of the text. The results show that MAPK/MAK is an important effort in the regeneration of scholars in Indonesia. MAPK/MAK provides comprehensive Islamic religious education, da'wah skills, the formation of noble morals, yellow book studies, and leadership training to students to prepare them to become scholars, preachers, or religious leaders who can lead society to goodness. Nurma Millatina Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Building World Peace through International Student Collaboration in Education Achieving world peace is a complex challenge, especially in light of global conflicts, cultural differences, and social tensions. Education is a powerful tool for bridging gaps between young people from different nations, fostering a deeper understanding of diversity, and encouraging collaborative efforts to address pressing global issues. This article investigates the role of international student collaboration in education as a means to promote world peace. Using a library research method, it examines various collaborative models such as online collaborative learning, cultural exchange programs, and cross-border team projects. The findings suggest that international educational collaboration not only enhances students’ global competencies but also instills essential values such as tolerance, empathy, and solidarity. However, several obstacles hinder the full potential of these collaborations, including technological challenges, differences in curricula, and a lack of policy support. To overcome these challenges, strategic solutions are needed. This article outlines recommendations for optimizing international educational collaboration as a sustainable strategy for fostering global peace, emphasizing the need for more inclusive, accessible, and supportive policies to enhance cross-cultural exchanges and student engagement in peacebuilding activities Muhammad Khoiri, Liatul Rohmah Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Principal's Effective Approach to Handling and Managing Various Conflicts at MIN 5 Tulungagung ABSTRACT : A conflict if not resolved immediately properly, then it will become a bigger problem for educational institutions. Not all conflicts in Islamic educational institutions are detrimental, in fact some conflicts will have a positive and beneficial impact if managed properly and correctly. If the conflict occurs in an Islamic educational institution, then managed properly then it can be a lesson from the mistake, and then it can be good. However, if the conflict is not managed properly it will be detrimental and become a weakness that will cause stress, division and even hostility. This study was conducted using a qualitative approach, with a case study design and its explanation using deductive analysis logic. The location of this research is at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 5 Tulungagung. Data collection was carried out by field observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The collected data was reduced and presented then analyzed and then a conclusion was drawn. The results of the study on the Role of Transformational Leaders in Managing Conflict at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 5 Tulungagung are the ability to control conflicts that occur by requiring certain management skills. The strategies used are collaboration, accommodation and compromise. Ali Maksum Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Students' Mathematical Gestures in Solving Operations Problems on Whole Numbers Class XI at SLB-B Negeri Tulungagung Mathematical gestures are movements that a person makes with their hands and arms when speaking and are intended to be intentionally related to mathematics. Gestures are part of non-verbal communication. With cues, students can solve math problems. When solving math problems, the signals given by students are very diverse. According to Mc Neill, gestures are divided into 3 types, namely iconic gestures, metaphoric gestures, and deictic gestures. The purpose of this research is to describe the mathematical gestures of students with mild, moderate and severe hearing impairments in solving operation problems on integers in class XI at SLB-B Negeri Tulungagung. So it is hoped that it can provide a brief overview of the mathematical gestures made by students. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type of research. The research location is SLB-B Negeri Tulungagung. The selection of subjects was based on the level of hearing impairment, namely 2 students with mild hearing impairment, 2 students with moderate hearing impairment, 2 students with severe hearing impairment. Data collection methods use observation, tests and interviews. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Checking the validity of the data is carried out by observation, triangulation and peer checking. The results of this research obtained an overview of gestures, namely (1) Mildly deaf students can demonstrate the use of iconic gestures, metaphoric gestures and deictic gestures in solving operation problems on integers and the gesture indicators are met in solving the questions. (2) Students with moderate hearing impairment can show that they use fewer metaphorical signs than deictic signs and use the most iconic signs in solving operational problems on integers and the signal indicators are fulfilled in solving the problems. (3) Students with severe abilities show the least use of deictic cues. Meanwhile, there are fewer metaphorical gestures than iconic gestures when solving operations problems on integers and the gesture indicators are fulfilled in solving the problems. Tri Wulandari, Maryono, Dewi Asmarani Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Synergy of Islamic Education Institutions and Communities: Formulation of Effective Qur'an Learning Strategies at MIQ Bustanul Ulum Jombang The phenomenon in society still shows that many adults do not read the Qur'an correctly according to the proper tajwid rules, as observed during khatam events and Taraweeh activities in Ramadan. This issue is critical because correct recitation is essential for the validity of the Qur'anic reading. This study aims to create a community that is not only proficient in reading the Qur'an but also loves and applies it in daily life. The research adopts a qualitative approach with a case study design. Data collection techniques include observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Triangulation analysis is used to ensure validity and accuracy of the findings. The study's results reveal that: a) The Tahfidz program plays a significant role in not only memorizing Qur'anic verses but also in ensuring correct recitation; b) The Tadarus Keliling and Majlis Al-Qur'an Lansia programs help improve Qur'anic learning in the community, especially among adults and the elderly; c) The Cerdas Berdua program involves both students and parents in Qur'anic education; d) The synergy between Islamic educational institutions and the community is key to creating effective and sustainable Qur'anic learning. A’an Yusuf Khunaifi Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Students' Visual Thinking Ability With Cognitive Style Visualizer-Verbalizer Through The CTL Learning Model For Class VIII MTsN 4 Tulungagung This research was motivated by students who still find it difficult when applying a problem in visual form. The related cognitive style is visualizer-verbalizer. One way to upgrade students' visual thinking skills is by applying the CTL learning model. The point of this research is to: 1) Find out the effect of using the CTL learning model on students' visual thinking abilities. 2) Describe students' visual thinking abilities using the visualizer and verbalizer cognitive styles. This research method is a mixed method type of sequential explanatory design. Quantitative data collection techniques use tests, while prerequisite test data analysis uses homogeneity, normality, and independent samples t-test. Qualitative data collection techniques use questionnaires, tests and interviews, while data analysis techniques use Creswell's steps. The research results show: 1) There is an influence of the CTL learning model on students' visual thinking abilities of 100%. 2) The visual thinking ability of students with the visualizer cognitive style is able to achieve all indicators of visual thinking ability, namely looking, seeing, imagining, showing & telling, while students with the verbalizer cognitive style are able to achieve 3 indicators of visual thinking ability, namely looking, seeing, showing & telling Fiya Habibaturrohmah, Ummu Sholihah, Maryono Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 DEVELOPMENT OF E-LKPD LIVEWORKSHEET WITH AN INTEGRATED DIFFERENTIATED APPROACH OF PANCASILA STUDENT PROFILES ON ROW AND SERIES MATERIALS ABSTRACT The development of E-LKPD Liveworksheet with an Integrated Differentiated Approach to Pancasila Student Profiles is based on observations and interviews that in SMA Negeri 4 Padangsidimpuan the variety of learning methods is still teacher-centered so that students' understanding is not optimal, and still implementing the manual LKPD has not used a differentiated approach. This research aims to improve students' learning outcomes in mathematics learning, especially in row and row materials. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D), with the ADDIE model, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The location of the research is in class X of SMA Negeri 4 Padangsidimpuan. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, questionnaires, learning outcome tests and documentation. The data collection instruments are in the form of validation sheets, E-LKPD user questionnaires, and learning outcome tests. The results of the study showed that the E-LKPD Liveworksheet with an Integrated Differentiated Approach of Pancasila Student Profiles on Row and Series Materials reached 92.16% of the very valid category, and the practicality test of 92.31% of the category was very practical. Furthermore, the learning outcome effectiveness test of 57.13% is in the medium criteria. The development of E-LKPD is an effective solution to improve student learning outcomes that have been adapted to the student's learning style and integrated with the Pancasila student profile and have been tested for validity, practicality, and effectiveness. Sakinah Tanjung, Almira Amir, Zulhammi Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 MADRASAH HEAD'S STRATEGY IN IMPROVING TEACHERS' SOCIAL COMPETENCIES IN THE GROUP OF STUDY FIELDS ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AT MADRASAH ALIYAH PLUS DARUL ‘ULUM SANGGRAHAN GONDANG NGANJUK ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 This research aims to determine the strategy of madrasah heads in improving the social competence of teachers in the Islamic Religious Education study area at Madrasah Aliyah Plus Darul ‘Ulum Sanggrahan Gondang Nganjuk for the 2023/2024 academic year. The research approach used is qualitative research with a case study type. The subjects of this research were madrasa heads, teachers of the Islamic Religious Education study group at Madrasah Aliyah Plus Sanggrahan Gondang Nganjuk, and parents/guardians of students. The object of this research was the madrasa head's strategy in increasing the social competence of teachers in the Islamic Religious Education study group. The data collection techniques were carried out through participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis uses descriptive analysis which is carried out involving three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the madrasa head's strategy in improving the social competence of teachers in the Islamic Religious Education study area includes (a) holding a meeting of student guardians, (b) requiring every teacher, including teachers in the Islamic Religious Education study group, to create a WhatsApp group with participants. education, (c) facilitating the holding of social religious activities such as charity activities for orphans on 1 Muharram, distribution of zakat fitrah and distribution of sacrificial meat. Siti Kholifatur R, Suhartono, Anik Indramawan Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Student’s Metacognition Process in Solving Mathematical Problems Reviewed From Holis-Serialist Cognitive Style Class XI Natural Sciences MAN 5 Kediri Probleim solving is a proceiss to oveircomei thei difficultieis faceid to achieivei thei eixpeicteid goals. In thei probleim solving proceiss, theirei is onei reiquireimeint for masteiry of probleim solving, nameily meitacognitivei ability. To improvei meitacognitivei ability, it is neiceissary for studeints to havei awareineiss at eiveiry steip of theiir thinking. Thei purposei of this study is to deiscribei thei meitacognitivei proceiss of studeints with a holistic seirialist cognitivei stylei. in solving matheimatical probleims . This reiseiarch useis a qualitativei approach with a casei study reiseiarch typei. Thei reisults obtaineid arei thei first holistic meitacognition proceiss, planning , at this stagei theirei arei seiveiral proceisseis that arei misseid by studeints but studeints can makei analogieis to makei it eiasieir to solvei probleims. Neixt monitoring, studeints arei ablei to deiteirminei a strateigy or plan to solvei thei probleim that has beiein givein. Finally, eivaluation, at this stagei studeints with a holistic cognitivei stylei havei rei-eixamineid theiir work . Thei first seirialist meitacognition proceiss, planning, occurs weill, studeints arei ablei to writei down thei eixisting introduction and studeints can also makei analogieis to makei it eiasieir to solvei probleims. Neixt, monitoring , studeints arei ablei to deiteirminei a strateigy or plan to solvei thei probleim that has beiein givein, but theirei arei somei studeints who still makei mistakeis in theiir work or opeirations. Thei last stagei is eivaluation, theiy havei rei-eixamineid theiir work Rif’atul Kasanah, Maryono, Ummu Sholihah Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Transformative Leadership Strategy: Developing Soft Skills for Workforce Readiness among Santri at Pondok Pesantren Fathul ‘Ulum Jombang The leader of a pesantren plays a strategic role in shaping individuals holistically, integrating religious values, morals, and life skills. Although still relying on conventional approaches, pesantren strives to adapt to changing times to develop the soft skills of students without neglecting its traditional principles. By blending strong traditional values with openness to innovation, pesantren can create an education system that meets the needs of modern times while maintaining its core principles. This research uses a qualitative-descriptive method, with data collected through participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The findings show that the transformative leadership strategy implemented successfully integrates religious values with the development of students' soft skills. Through a holistic approach that includes life skills training, entrepreneurship, and economic empowerment, students are equipped with relevant abilities to face modern challenges, such as public speaking, muhadhoroh activities, and social skills, enabling them to interact better in society. As a result, students are not only prepared for the workforce but also become independent, resilient individuals who contribute positively to society. Ika Winarti, Liatul Rohmah Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Modernization of Islamic Religious Education Learning Based on Science at SMA Trensains Muhammadiyah Sragen: Ismail Raji Al-Faruqi’s Perspective ABSTRACT : The Islamization of science echoed by Ismail Raji al-Faruqi is contradictory. Some opinions state that science and Islamic education are two elements that cannot be combined because they have different foundations. Science is identical to western culture and doctrine, while Islamic education is more inclined towards the aspect of religiosity. This study aims to describe the pattern of education at Trensains and to find out the Islamization of science by Ismail Raji al-Faruqi at SMA Trensains as well as the implementation and implications of the Islamization of science at SMA Trensains ragen. This study is a field study with an ethnographic approach. The data collection process uses interviews, observations and documentation. The results of the study show that the education Pattern at Trensains uses a unification curriculum that integrates Science and religion. Furthermore, the approach to education based on science and religion in schools is in line with Ismail Rajis opinion by emphasizing mastery of science, study of Al-Qur'an interpretation related to natural phenomena, and learning the history of Muslim scientists. The implementation of the Islamization of science is reflected in the planning and implementation given by teachers such as providing contemporary examples in learning. The implications of Islamization in Trensains include several aspects, namely curriculum development, contextual and spiritual teaching methodology, and the formation of critical student character based on the values of monotheism. Zainal Arifin, Sa’adi, Muhammad Aji Nugroho, Ruwandi Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Innovation in Akidah Akhlak Curriculum Development Based on Props This research discusses the development of the moral creed curriculum as well as the development of moral creed material for the part of breaking promises. This research uses the literature study research method. In this study, it is conveyed that curriculum development is a vital element in education, directing all learning activities by considering the development of students, the demands of the times, the value of art, the environment, and the vision of national development. Where the process must be adaptive, anticipatory, and applicable to meet short and long term needs. The Merdeka Belajar curriculum implemented by the government aims to give freedom to schools and educators to design contextual and relevant education, focusing on developing soft skills and character. In learning akidah akhlak, the material of breaking promises needs to be developed to suit the needs of the times and students. Breaking promises as a despicable character is described in QS. An-Nahl verse 92 uses the parable of a woman describing yarn, so the props are knitting yarn and knitting tools or pictures of women weaving, which emphasizes the importance of keeping agreements. The development of this material in moral creed education must be in accordance with the context and needs of students to achieve better educational goals. Asriati Aulia Malik, Syukri Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Affective Assessment in Islamic Religious Education at MI Al-Huda Ploso Nganjuk This article discusses affective assessments in Islamic Religious Education in Madrasah Ibtida'iyah. So far, the assessment of Islamic Religious Education has paid less attention to affective aspects, so that Islamic Religious Education does not become a means for students to improve their morals. As a result, there are many deviations such as bullying, brawls, dirty talk, and making fun of friends' parents. This is very concerning even though the purpose of Islamic religious education is to make students a believing, pious, and moral person. However, this does not mean that there is no single institution that tries to implement affective assessment and make it the main goal in Islamic religious education. This descriptive qualitative research took field data through observation, documentation, and interviews. Furthermore, it was analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model. The findings of this study are that MI Al-Huda is an institution that pays attention to affective assessment. Affective assessment is carried out through observation, student incident notes, and self-assessment with religious activity report books and birrul walidain. However, the implementation is still not optimal due to time constraints, large number of students, lack of parental involvement, teachers' understanding of the use of instruments and reporting affective assessment results. Some suggestions are to improve educators' knowledge and skills related to affective assessment, then provide socialization to parents of students to participate in affective assessment. Via Karimatul Azaliya Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Level of Academic Procrastination of Students at IAIN Kediri and UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang The main objective of this research is to determine the level of procrastination that is influenced by emotional regulation and self-efficacy among students state Islamic Colleges and Universities (PTKIN) in East Java. This research by using a quantitative method with a questionnaire as the main measurement tool. The population was Students Of Islamic Religion Education (PAI) students who were in the process of completing their thesis. Data collection uses a questionnaire distributed through the help of Google Forms. The data was then analysed using a dummy regression. The results showed that emotional regulation and self-efficacy had a significant effect on the level of students’ procrastination by 22.4%, meaning that the greater the student's emotional regulation and self-efficacy, the lower the level of procrastination. It was also proven that the level of procrastination is influenced by emotional regulation and self-efficacy but this two variables cannot be said to be the main factor influencing the level of student academic procrastination. In addition, the results show a dummy regression significance value of 0.482, meaning that there is no significant difference between emotional regulation and self-efficacy among the students’ of IAIN Kediri and those of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Dewi Wulandari, Ummiy Fauziyah Laily, Novi Rosita Rahmawati, Jerhi Wahyu Fernanda Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Collaboration Between Pesantren and Formal Schools: A Dual Education Model for the Digital Era Generation The dichotomy in education between pesantren and formal schools in Indonesia has long been a point of concern, as it often results in competency gaps among students. Pesantren excel in fostering spiritual values, while formal schools focus on academic achievement. This academic tension has become increasingly relevant in the digital era, which demands a holistic competency combining spiritual, academic, and technological literacy. This study aims to explore the potential collaboration between pesantren and formal schools in creating a dual education model that is relevant and effective. Utilizing a library research method, the study analyzes literature from scholarly journals, books, and related policy documents. The findings reveal that curriculum integration between pesantren and formal schools can enhance the balance between religious values and scientific knowledge. However, challenges such as the need for teacher training, alignment of visions, and the development of digital infrastructure require significant attention. This study concludes that the collaboration model between pesantren and formal schools can serve as a strategic solution to establishing holistic education that is prepared to face the challenges of the digital era, provided it is supported by well-planned policies and implementation. M. Yusuf Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Development of Fraction Teaching Aids to Improve Conceptual Understanding of Grade IV Elementary School Students (SD/MI) Mathematics is one of the subjects that students need help understanding. This can be seen from the many students who have difficulty understanding various mathematical material concepts. The ability to understand concepts is the ability of students to understand and correctly understand the material being studied. Students will find it easier to master the material if the learning process carried out is in accordance with the characteristics and needs of the students. This is in line with the need to help students understand various concepts of equivalent fractions at SDN Balearjosari 1 Malang. This occurs because of the lack of mathematics learning aids, so students cannot understand the idea of the material being studied concretely. Based on these problems, researchers developed a teaching aid to make it easier for students to understand the concept of equivalent fractions at the elementary school level. This study uses the Research and Development research method with the Borg and Gall development model, adapting 6 stages: 1. Research and data collection, 2. Planning, 3. Initial product development, 4. Initial field testing, 5. Initial product revision, 6. Main field testing. The level of alat peraga validity obtained from several experts is 94 from material experts, 92 from alat peraga experts, and 96 from learning experts, with the three validation results showing alat peraga validation with very valid criteria. The effectiveness of fractional teaching aids in improving students' concept understanding abilities was obtained with a score of 0.72 or 72.18%, a high category using the N-gain test. By using fractional teaching aids, students' conceptual understanding at SDN Balearjosari 1 Malang increased in the high category. Rena Widayanti, Izza Fauzia Saidah, Samsul Susilawati Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Integrating Islamic Curriculum Education with Artificial Intelligence within the Sanad 'Ilm Framework Despite the rapid growth of the global AI education market and its transformative potential, many Islamic schools face challenges in adopting these advancements, raising concerns about inadequate preparation for an AI-driven future. This study explores the integration of artificial intelligence into Islamic curriculum education through the Sanad 'Ilm framework, examining its challenges, opportunities, and pedagogical implications. Using a qualitative approach, the research conducts an integrative literature review of five recent peer-reviewed articles to identify key themes and generate new insights on AI's role in Islamic education. The findings reveal challenges such as the potential reduction in human interaction and the need for proper educator training to effectively use AI while preserving the traditional concept of sanad 'ilm in knowledge transmission. The research highlights the importance of a balanced approach that incorporates AI while remaining aligned with Islamic principles. Ultimately, it concludes that thoughtful AI integration in Islamic education can improve learning outcomes and help cultivate a knowledgeable Muslim community capable of adapting to modern educational demands without compromising their faith. Tutut Indah Widyawati Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Analyzing the Impact of Full Day School on Elementary Schools in Pacitan: Educational and Social Perspectives Full Day School has been widely implemented as an educational policy to improve the quality of learning. However, its implementation often raises academic anxiety among students and educators due to extended school hours and reduced time for social interactions. This study aims to analyze the impact of Full Day School in elementary schools in Pacitan, focusing on educational and social perspectives. Using a qualitative approach and a case study method, data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and document analysis. The findings reveal that while Full Day School positively enhances students' engagement and academic achievement, it also generates social challenges, such as limited family interaction and increased fatigue. These results highlight the necessity for adaptive strategies to balance academic excellence and students’ well-being in the implementation of Full Day School. The study concludes that policy adjustments are essential to mitigate academic anxiety and optimize the social and educational outcomes of this program. Moh. Khoirul Anam Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Work Culture In Increasing Organizational Productivity Islamic Education Institute This study examines the role of work culture in enhancing organizational productivity within Islamic educational institutions. The primary focus is on how values and work culture practices, such as collaboration, effective communication, responsibility, integrity, and Islamic ethics, contribute to organizational efficiency and performance. Using the library research method, this article analyzes various relevant literature on the impact of work culture on organizational productivity, particularly in the context of Islamic education. Findings indicate that a strong work culture rooted in Islamic values creates a work environment that not only supports increased productivity but also fosters high-quality interpersonal relationships and a conducive organizational climate. A positive work culture strengthens commitment, loyalty, and a sense of ownership toward common goals while facilitating more effective coordination in achieving the vision and mission of Islamic educational institutions. This article provides in-depth insights into the importance of developing a work culture aligned with Islamic principles to optimize productivity and sustainability in Islamic educational institutions in the modern era. Mohamad Mustafid Hamdi Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Spirituality and Matcmaking; An Analysis of Tawassul Practices at the Tomb of Nyai Hamdanah Asnawi The aim of this research is to understand the relationship between spirituality and destiny in the practice of Tawasul at the Tomb of Nyai Hamdanah Asnawi. The type of research is field research, which is conducted by studying phenomena that exist in a natural environment or occur in everyday life. The results of this study show that the practice of Taawasul at the Tomb of Nyai Hamdanah Asnawi involves spiritual concepts that pertain to the search for meaning and purpose in life, as well as relationships with God, oneself, or others. The importance of the spiritual aspect in efforts to build harmony of values and beliefs between partners. Soulmate is defined as a partner chosen by God, with an emphasis on character before religion in choosing, a soulmate is not just about physical and material aspects, and an emphasis on the harmony of life. As an effort to draw closer to Allah, the intermediary of prayer and good deeds is the way to attract a spouse. Practices such as Tawasul, Doa Plgahan, Sholawat, and visiting the grave of Nyai Hamdanah are efforts to strengthen the hope of finding a good partner. In general, the practice of tawasul at the tomb of Nyai Hamdanah Asnawi illustrates the integration of spirituality and the search for a partner within the context of the Muslim community, where the belief in the power of prayer and righteous deeds serves as a support in the effort to realize the hope of finding a good match. Siti Tohirotus Sholikhah Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 INTERNALIZATION OF CONVENIENCE PRINCIPLE IN RELIGION THROUGH QURBAN ARISAN Arisan Qurban is a lot happens in many regions in Indonesia. The implementation of it is diverse and has various motives or reasons behind carrying out a wish. This study aims to describe the reasons of the people of Teluk Sari Village, HSU Regency, South Kalimantan in carrying out the qurban worship through the arisan system and its relationship with internalization of the convenience and mashlahah principles in social life. This qualitative descriptive research with data sources of 2 committee and 2 members of arisan qurban with observation, interviews and documentation as data finding techniques and then analyzed descriptively. The results of the study indicate that the spirit of carrying out the qurban worship is the dominant reason underlying participation in the arisan kurban so that many people in Teluk Sari Village, HSU Regency, South Kalimantan, both those who are financially capable and those who are less able, voluntarily contribute to the arisan qurban. The internalization of convenience principle in carrying out the desired qurban worship is realized from the implementation of arisan qurban. The positive values it contains are the embodiment of objectives of sharia concept (maqasid Syari'ah) which is born from the the law istinbath named by al ishtishlahiy (the method of analyzing welfare) so that the social relations that occur become harmonious with the spirit of mutual cooperation regardless of other considerations that surround it. Farid Permana, Abdul Azim, Bella Mutiara Kasih Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Debt of Expired Prepaid Telkomsel Number on Telkomsel Paket Darurat (A Sharia Economic Law Study) This study aims to find out the mechanism of Telkomsel Paket Darurat service and the situation where an expired prepaid Telkomsel number still has an outstanding Telkomsel Paket Darurat bill. The findings indicate that if the number expires within 60 days, the user is still obligated to settle the debt because there is an opportunity to reactivate the number. However, if more than 60 days have passed since the expiration or the physical card is damaged and the number is inactive, and the user is unable to settle the debt for any reason, the number cannot be reactivated. It is blocked and has a status of “ready for recycle,” resulting in the loss of the opportunity to settle the Paket Darurat bill. From the perspective of Sharia Economic Law, the debt status of the Telkomsel Paket Darurat is waived by Telkomsel based on a valid ibrā’ contract. Azzah Amani Al Hanun, M. Rizky Kurnia Sah Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Narasi #MarriageisScary Studi Kasus Pengaruh Media Sosial terhadap Keputusan Menikah ABSTRACT : Marriage is a very sacred bond between a man and a woman that is carried out based on the teachings of religion and the beliefs of each individual. However, the recent decline in the number of marriages is angry, influenced by various factors, both from outside and from within the individuals themselves, which cause them to choose not to get married. The National Statistics Agency captured the phenomenon of the decline in marriage in the past 5 years very significantly. Even in the last decade it has decreased by 28.6% from previous decades. The focus of this research is how the #marriageisscary phenomenon that is busy on social media has an impact on the decline in marriage in Indonesia and what can be the solution to this problem. This research uses netnography as a research method. Netnography is a special approach in conducting ethnography on the Internet, this approach adapts from traditional entography techniques that are usually done manually to see the phenomena that occur in society, but now we “can't help but” to use social media as an object to be researched. The core problem of the emergence of the #MarriageisScary narrative is the fear of divorce, whether caused by domestic violence, economics, shifting values that make marriage no longer scandalous and sacred, changing mindsets and fear of divorce. The existence of a community perspective in dealing with marriage problems that only exist in divorce is something that must be given additional solutions, such as pre-marital agreements or marital agreements. A marriage agreement has an important role in regulating the division of property, debts, and obligations of each party, or other matters that can be agreed upon by both parties as long as they do not challenge the applicable law. A marriage agreement is a means of legal protection, not a sign of distrust in a domestic relationship. Sulistiana Makrifatin, Alifia Risalatusshiyam Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 THE CONCEPT OF HUMAN NATURE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF IMAM AL-QURTHUBI IN TAFSIR AL-JAMI' LI AHKAM AL-QUR'AN (Study of Analysis of Q.S Ar-Rum Verse 30) This research discusses the concept of human fitrah from the perspective of Imam Al-Qurthubi as described in his monumental tafsir, Al-Jami' li Ahkam Al-Qur'an, with a special focus on the interpretation of Q.S Ar-Rum verse 30. This verse emphasizes the importance of fitrah as a fundamental aspect of human creation that reflects the spiritual purity and natural tendency of humans to know and worship Allah SWT. This research uses thelibrary research method, an analytical study of the tafsir work, with the aim of understanding more deeply how Imam Al-Qurthubi interprets the concept of fitrah in relation to human life in general. The results show that Imam Al-Qurthubi sees human fitrah as an innate condition that is pure and straight, but can be influenced by external factors such as environment and education. The factors that cause humans to turn away from their Fitrah are not remembering their covenant with Allah SWT. Disobeying Allah SWT. and Not using his mind properly. Then the way to maintain Fitrah is by returning to the religion of Allah SWT and Purifying the soul (Tazkiyah an-Nafs). Therefore, maintaining fitrah in Islam means keeping the heart and mind clean from deviations that can keep humans away from the truth. The findings provide a deeper insight into the importance of fitrah maintenance in the spiritual life of a Muslim. Robi Sofian Hadi, Aria Panji Saputra Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Ad-Dakhîl inTafsir Al-Kasyfu Wa Al-Bayân 'An Tafsîr Al-Qur'ân (Analysis of the Story of Prophet Ayub) This article explores the existence of Ad-Dakhīl (infiltration) in As-Śa'laby's tafsir, specifically regarding the story of Prophet Ayub (peace be upon him). Ad-Dakhīl refers to elements that are unauthentic or unverifiable, introduced by exegetes into their tafsir works. This study focuses on the interpretation of verses narrating the story of Prophet Ayub in Al-Kasyf Wa al-Bayân 'An Tafsîr al-Qur'ân by As-Śa'laby, utilizing a qualitative research method based on library research. The data includes classical Islamic texts (kitab turath), books, encyclopedias, journals, and other documents. The approach employed is content analysis to examine As-Śa'laby's interpretation of Surah Al-Anbiya' (21:83-84) and Surah Sad (38:41-44). According to various tafsir works, Prophet Ayub is depicted as a prophet blessed with abundant worldly favors, including immense wealth and righteous offspring. However, he was tested by Allah through the loss of these blessings and the affliction of a severe illness. For many years, Prophet Ayub patiently endured these trials, accompanied by his devoted wife, until Allah ended his suffering. The research findings indicate that Al-Kasyf Wa al-Bayân 'An Tafsîr al-Qur'ân contains elements of Ad-Dakhīl. As-Śa'laby is criticized for his lack of selectivity in choosing and presenting supporting narrations. The author identified at least four instances of Ad-Dakhīl in the form of Isrā'īliyyat (dakhīl an-naqly) included in the interpretation of Prophet Ayub's story without critical commentary or notes questioning their authenticity. One of these four narrations is deemed ad-dakhīl as its content contradicts the concept of a prophet's dignity. The dramatization of Prophet Ayub's trials is considered excessive and inappropriate for a prophet. Consequently, this study encourages tafsir scholars to delve into the study of Ad-Dakhīl, enabling them to discern and identify unreliable narrations when consulting tafsir works. Abdillah Amiril Adawy, Faizah Munjata Salma Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Defense of Women's Rights in QS. al-Nisā' [4]: 34 (Analysis Asbāb al-Nuzūl in Tafsīr al-Qurthubī) QS. al-Nisā' [4]: 34 is verse that is often at the center of discussions about gender relations in Islam. This verse contains the concept of qawwāmah, which is the responsibility of men over women, as well as the term daraba, which is often misunderstood as the role of women, and the term daraba, which is often misunderstood as a justification for domestic violence justification of domestic violence. This research aims to analyze women's rights and gender equality by examining the verse's Asbāb al-Nuzūl of this verse and the interpretation in Tafsīr al-Qurtubī. With qualitative method based on a literature study, this research explores the classical views in Tafsīr al-Qurtubī and contextualizes them in contemporary discourse on gender justice contemporary discourse on gender justice. The results of the study show that: 1) Asbāb al-Nuzūl QS. al-Nisā' [4]: 34 provides an overview about the transformation of Islam in improving gender relations that were previously dominated by the patriarchal system dominated by the patriarchal system. 2) Tafsīr al-Qurthubī interprets qawwamah as men's responsibility over women based on their financial role and protection in the household, while still prioritizing the values of justice protection in the household, but still prioritizes the values of justice and compassion and compassion. 3) The term daraba in this tafsir is understood as physical action that is very limited, but requires a re-reading to avoid interpretations that legitimize violence. This research confirms that Tafsīr al-Qurthubī, although rooted in the medieval context, has basic principles that can support the understanding of violence medieval context, has basic principles that can support an understanding of women's rights in Islam, such as of women's rights in Islam, such as justice, favorable treatment, and respect for women's dignity. This approach opens up space for a more contextual reinterpretation, making Islam a religion that emphasizes gender harmony, religion that prioritizes gender harmony and upholds human values humanity. Nabila An’imatul Maula Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 EARLY MARRIAGE: THE PERSPECTIVE OF TAFSIR AL-MUNIR IN REALIZING A PROSPEROUS FAMILY AND MENTAL HEALTH Early marriage is often a controversial topic, with various views developed in social, cultural, and religious contexts. This study uses a library research method to explore Wahbah Zuhaili's views in Tafsir Al-Munir on early marriage in Islam. The results show that, although Islam does not explicitly prohibit early marriage, the religion emphasizes the importance of physical, mental and social readiness of individuals who will marry. Zuhaili argues that marriage should be done with careful consideration, which includes readiness to take responsibility. Mental health is also considered an important aspect in creating a harmonious family, emphasizing the importance of equality and cooperation between family members. In the context of modern society, while early marriage is acceptable, Zuhaili advocates marriage at a more mature age, both physically and emotionally, for the welfare of the family and the mental health of the couple. Tafsir Al-Munir emphasizes that marriage should be carried out responsibly, taking into account individual readiness and creating an environment that supports mental health to achieve a prosperous family. Nurusshobah Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Elopement Dispute in Lombok: Between Tradition and Principles of Marriage in Islam (Review of Qs An-Nur:32) The phenomenon of elopement (merarik) in Lombok is one of the traditions that is firmly rooted in the culture of the Sasak people. However, this tradition often triggers social and legal conflicts, especially when it conflicts with the principles of marriage in Islam. This study aims to examine the dynamics of elopement in Lombok from the perspective of local traditions and Islamic sharia principles, focusing on the interpretation of Surah An-Nur verse 32. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach, utilizing data triangulation analysis through in-depth interviews, participatory observations, and document studies. Peer discussions and deepening of observations are also applied to enrich the analysis. The results of the study show that elopement in Lombok is not solely driven by tradition, but also involves social, economic, and diverse religious aspects. In the context of sharia, there are challenges in integrating this practice with Islamic values, especially regarding the principles and conditions of a valid marriage. The interpretation of Surah An-Nur verse 32 emphasizes the importance of the principles of responsibility, maturity, and openness in marriage, which are often overlooked in the practice of elopement. This study provides recommendations that educational approaches and cultural dialogue be applied to create harmony between local traditions and Islamic principles, in order to minimize potential conflicts. Akh. Bayu Rifki Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 REVEALING AKHBAR ISRAILIYYAT: INFLUENCE IN INTERPRETATION As we know that Qur’an is one the greatest miracle that Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Saw. In the al-Qur’an, there are many stories of previous people, but these stories are only contained very simply or concisely, not in detail like previous books. This because the al-Qur’an is a holy Qur’an, not a book of fairy tales. The story in the book called Israiliyyat. The method used in this research is literature study (Library Research). The results of the research show that if the israiliyyat is in accordance with Islamic sharia, its truth can be acknowledged and permitted to be narrated, whereas if it is contrary to Islamic sharia then it is lied to and cannot be narrated, because its influence in the interpretation causes the interpreter to be very careful in narrate this israiliyyat, but it is still permissible to explain its clarity. However, if there is no information that is in accordance with Islamic law or not, then tawaquf on it, and do not judge whether it is true or not. Arthi Amalia Rawzalgina Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 IMPLEMENTATION OF HADITH OF CUPPING IN ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE PRACTICE AND ITS BENEFITS IN THE FIELD OF HEALTH (Study of Living Hadith on Alternative Cupping Therapy Models in Tulungagung) This study aims to analyse the implementation of hadith cupping in alternative medicine practices in Tulungagung and its benefits in the health sector. Hadith cupping, as one of the methods of treatment exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad, has now developed into an alternative treatment in the community, including in the Tulungagung area. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method and in-depth interviews with cupping treatment practitioners, patients, and local religious leaders. In addition, document and literature analyses related to the hadith of cupping were also conducted to understand the legal basis and validity of this practice. The results show that the practice of cupping in Tulungagung is growing, with many people utilising this method to overcome various health problems, such as migraines, muscle pain, and circulatory disorders. The cupping hadith is implemented in accordance with the instructions contained in the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, by following the procedures specified in alternative medicine. The benefits felt by patients include improvement in general health, reduction of symptoms of specific diseases, and improvement in quality of life. However, some challenges related to a less in-depth understanding of hadith cupping and the need for more structured training for practitioners were also identified. This study concludes that the implementation of cupping hadiths in alternative medicine has significant benefits in the field of health, provided that it is practised by following the correct procedures and supported by adequate knowledge. In addition, it is important to improve education and understanding of cupping so that it can have the maximum positive impact on society. Miftakul Arifin, Fahma Maulida Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Existence of “ad-Dīn" in Surah at-Tīn in the Context of Tafsir Discourse As the holy scripture of Muslims, the Qur'an holds a central role in guiding and directing the lives of its adherents. It is regarded as the foremost source of ethical norms, legal principles, and spirituality in Muslim life. The uniqueness of the Qur'an lies in the belief that it is the direct word of Allah SWT, preserved without alteration or distortion over time. Serving as a comprehensive guide, the Qur'an provides relevant directions for various aspects of life, including morality, justice, economics, and social relationships. Its universal teachings make it a source of inspiration for balanced and harmonious living. Surah at-Tīn, a chapter of the Qur'an, is imbued with profound spiritual significance and guidance for life. Additionally, the concept of "religion," although not explicitly mentioned in the text of this surah, is not thoroughly detailed in existing tafsir. Therefore, further research is required to understand this aspect. The research methodology employed involves analysing the text of Surah at-Tīn and its interpretation across various tafsir. The findings reveal that the surah implicitly references the Abrahamic religions brought by earlier prophets. The mention of the fig and olive, Mount Sinai, and the baladil amīn (Mecca) symbolises the locations where Prophets Isa, Musa, and Muhammad received revelations, representing the existence of the teachings they conveyed. Thus, the verse indirectly communicates the essence of a unified religious paradigm rooted in the tauḥidi framework. Desy Helma Permata, Ibnu Khaldun Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Communication Convergence on Family Development in the Implementation of Kampung Keluarga Berkualitas: A Literature Review Kampung Keluarga Berkualitas program is one of the containers that serves as a miniature model for the total implementation of the Family Development, Population and Family Planning Program (Bangga Kencana) which carries the concept of integration and convergence across sectors in an effort to improve the quality of human resources through strengthening family institutions. This paper focuses on the relationship between communication convergence in family development through the implementation of the Kampung KB program using a literature review approach. Data sources utilize books, journals, internet sources and previous research relevant to the topic discussed. The results of this study show that. Family development is a cross-sectoral issue that requires joint attention not only from the government as a policy maker but also cross-sector collaboration. Although in its implementation there are various challenges and obstacles, the Kampung KB program has an impact on family development through program interventions carried out by various integrated cross-sectors. The convergence of communication can be one of the communication models in creating synergies between stakeholders which can then lead to joint collaboration in addressing population and family development issues. Ahmad Ahyani Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 HARMONY OF INTERFAITH MARRIAGES IN SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS RELATIONS PERSPECTIVE OF SOCIAL EXCHANGE THEORY Conflicts due to religious differences still often occur today, but it is different from what happens in Kedungwangan Hamlet, although there are many interfaith marriages, social and religious harmony is something that is well maintained. This research aims to find out and analyze the meaning behind interfaith marriage families in which harmonious relations in social and religious life are built in the community. This research is a fieldb ased qualitative research with a social exchange theory approach. Data collection techniques consist of observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The results showed that social and religious harmony in Kedungwangan Hamlet is due to the historical factor of this hamlet that has practiced interfaith marriages for generations, the role of parents who teach tolerance values, the factor of community leaders who continue to preserve harmony in social life. The research also shows that Islam, Catholicism and Christianity can survive in maintaining religious harmony and social harmony because of social exchange. Interreligious adherents do this on the basis of several mutual benefits, namely the creation of a life of minimal conflict, mutual assistance for each other's religious ritual activities, mutual acceptance of interfaith marriages and each member is free to choose a religion. Muhammad Ulinnuha Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Implementation of Responsibility and Democracy of Wasathiyah Islam in English Teaching at Junior High School Salatiga Problems appears such as extremism, social division, and ethical challenges show the need for education that teaches balance and community involvement. Unfortunately, students who are still figuring out their identity, may get involved in violence like bullying or fighting. This paper aims to explore the implementation of wasathiyah Islam, which emphasizes moderation and balance, in fostering responsibility and democracy at SMP Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga. By integrating wasathiyah principles into the curriculum and school culture, the institution encourages as ethical behavior, active civic engagement, and student participation in decision-making processes. This study is conducted by using qualitative method. The findings indicate that these efforts are not only enhance students’ understanding of their roles in society but also promote a harmonious and inclusive school environment in goal of preparing students as nation generation that naturally born as social creatures. This research underscores the importance of wasathiyah Islam in shaping engaged and responsible individuals equipped to address contemporary challenges through formal education system especially in English Language Teaching (ELT). Nur Lailatun Nida, Sa’adi, Noor Malihah, Setia Rini Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Correlation among Learning Styles, Learning Motivation, and Writing Performance of Undergraduate EFL Learners In an increasingly globalized world, proficiency in English is no longer a luxury but a necessity, with millions of learners worldwide striving to master the language for personal, academic, and professional purposes. However, despite its importance, many learners continue to struggle with writing performance, influenced by factors such as learning styles, motivation, and gender. This study investigates whether there is a correlation between undergraduate English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners' writing performance and their learning styles and motivation. Using a correlational research design and quantitative methods, the study examined 158 fifth-semester undergraduate students at UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung. Data on learning styles and motivation were gathered through a Google Forms questionnaire, while students' writing performance was assessed through written tasks stored on Google Drive. Statistical analysis, employing F-test and Multinomial Logistic Regression in SPSS, revealed a significant correlation (p = 0.034) between writing performance and both learning style and motivation. These findings suggest that tailored instructional strategies, which account for individual learning preferences and motivational factors, could enhance writing outcomes. Therefore, it is recommended that English educators incorporate regular writing tasks into their curricula to foster improved writing performance among learners. Syahwa Adiratna Nur Annisa Zuhri, Susanto, Sukarsono Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Formulation of the Humanistic Approach in Arabic Language Learning to Develop Students Speaking Skills Speaking skills in Arabic language learning often pose a challenge for students due to teaching approaches that do not emphasize personal aspects and individual needs. This article aims to formulate a humanistic approach in Arabic language learning as an effort to hone students' speaking skills. This research uses a qualitative-descriptive method with a literature review approach and analysis of classroom teaching practicesat Aqobah International School Jombang. Data was collected through literature studies, observations, and interviews with Arabic language teachers. The results show that the humanistic approach, which emphasizes individual empowerment, experiential learning, and the strengthening of emotional connections between teachers and students, can enhance students' learning motivation and their courage to communicate in Arabic. The formulation of this approach involves teaching techniques that support an inclusive environment, such as group discussions, simulations, and interactive dialogues. Thus, the implementation of the humanistic approach has been proven effective in overcoming communication barriers and significantly improving students' speaking skills. Imro’atus Solikah, Anis Zunaidah, Liatul Rohmah, Muhammad Syaifullah Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Developing an Engaging English Summative Test with Educaplay: A Game-Based Solution for the Fourth Grade of Islamic Primary School The purpose of this study is to develop an interactive English summative test for fourth-grade Islamic primary school students using Educaplay to enhance student engagement and motivation. This study followed a modified seven-step R&D cycle, including information collection, expert validation, product revision, and field testing. The test consisted of 25 multiple-choice questions and was administered to 28 for field testing. Statistical analysis using SPSS 25 showed that 12 questions were valid, the test had a reliability coefficient of 0.765, and the difficulty level of questions was well-balanced. However, 40% of the questions required significant review due to poor discrimination scores. The study highlighted Educaplay's potential to create engaging and effective assessments. The findings support the ongoing use and refinement of digital platforms like Educaplay in educational assessment. Muhammad Firnas Hibatulloh, Sri Wahyuni Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence of Trust, Knowledge, and Income on the Decision to Pay Zakat with Religiosity as a Moderating Variable in UPZ Suruh District The issue of zakat is actually not a stand-alone issue. In practice, zakat can be viewed as a dual phenomenon, namely religious and social . Zakat plays an important role in social life. The type of research used in this study is quantitative research. Quantitative research is research whose data is collected and evaluated numerically, starting with data collection, continuing with data analysis and ending with the presentation of findings. The variable of Trust has a significant influence positive And significant to variable Muzakki's Decision . The Knowledge variable has no significant effect . to Muzakki 's Decision . Variables Income Level influential positive And significant against the Muzakki's Decision . The variable of religiosity is able to moderate Trust influential positive And significant on the Muzakki Decision . Religiosity Variable Unable to moderate Knowledge influential positive And significant against the Muzakki's Decision . The variable of religiosity is able to moderate Income Level influential positive And significant against the Muzakki's Decision . Sri Handayani Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Islamic Human Development Index Against Poverty Levels in Indonesia 2022-2024 (A Approach Sharia Principles ) Issue poverty Still become challenges that must be faced by a area . Poverty is a conditions that make helplessness public in overcome problems important For continue good life . Researcher using secondary data obtained from the official website of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and the official website of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) with range 3 years period starting from 2022-2024 . Based on results study Poverty Rate Variable influential negative significant to Poverty . Life expectancy variable has an influence negative significant to Poverty . variable resident influential positive significant to poverty . Zakat variable has an effect positive significant to Poverty . Zakat Education variables have an influence positive significant to Poverty . Mir’atul Hayati, Ahmad Mifdhol Muthohar Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF KNOWLEDGE, TRUST, AND SOCIAL MEDIA ON THE INTEREST PAYING ZAKAT DIGITAL WITH GENERATION AS MODERATION: A CONCEPTUAL REVIEW This study aims to determine the factors that influence digital zakat payments including knowledge, trust, and social media. In addition, this study also explains the role of generation in moderating knowledge, trust, and social media on digital zakat payments. The results of this study are a conceptual framework that is expected to provide new insights into the influence of knowledge, trust and social media on digital zakat payments. Because of the differences in previous studies, including research results that have a significant effect and research results that do not have a significant effect, the researcher includes the role of generation as a moderation that can strengthen the influence of the variables knowledge, trust, social media on digital zakat payments. The method used in this study is the literature review method, with the type of library research. Research sources are obtained through journals that have good credibility. The results of the study were then analyzed by combining findings from several sources to form a conceptual theoretical understanding so that a conclusion can be drawn. The researcher offers several empirically testable research propositions, and concludes with research implications, and research directions for future investigation. Rita Puspita Sari, Edi Cahyono Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IN IMMERSIVE MARKETING 6.0 BASED ON MAQASHID SHARIA PERSPECTIVE This research uses qualitative research methods with a liberary research approach to analyze consumer berhavior in immersive markting 6.0 from a Maqashid Sharia Perspective . This reserach found that technological advances have helped companies not only promotion and marketing their products but combine the sophistication of this tecnology to building emotions with consumers through content video, consumers participation and easly interaction and transactions consumer only through their gadgets. In other hand consumer behavior in islam isn’t only limited to material needs and participation or being part of product, but always refers to five main objective of maqashid sharia, because previous research was only limited to examining consumer behavior in general or comparing points of view. So this research examines specifically discuss about Consumer Behavior In Immersive Marketing 6.0 Based On Maqashid Sharia Perspective Rohiman, Linda Sriwahyuni Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Impact Of Start-Up Founders And Islamic Financial Industry On Economic Increment In Indonesia High-tech-based companies have attracted many investors, especially with the support of faster 5G internet networks. The digital economy has provided concrete evidence of its impact, particularly during the COVID-19 economic crisis. In 2023, Indonesia ranked 5th globally in startup activity. With 84.35% of Indonesia's population being Muslim, the Islamic finance industry has seen rapid growth. During Ramadan, startup transactions skyrocketed, but the presence of the Islamic finance industry remained suboptimal. In 2023, e-commerce in Indonesia saw a significant increase, with 78% of the population—approximately 278.7 million people—engaging in online shopping. This qualitative research approach re-describes field data and clarifies findings from a literature review, sourced from various articles, books, and other scholarly works. The research highlights that interest in online shopping has steadily increased, with startups contributing 4% to Indonesia's GDP. The Islamic finance sector, with its Sharia principles, has the potential to drive economic recovery and reduce poverty. However, despite the fact that 87% of Indonesia's population is Muslim, startups remain largely reliant on conventional banks for capital, as they are not yet fully integrated into the Islamic finance system. Bambang Hermantoro, Andriani Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect of Productive Zakat Utilization on Mustahik Welfare with Entrepreneurship Education as a Moderating Variable: A Conceptual Review This study aims to explain the relationship between productive zakat utilization and mustahik welfare. In addition, this study also explains the role of entrepreneurship education as a moderating variable that is expected to provide a better picture of the relationship between productive zakat utilization and mustahik welfare. This study analyzes the utilization of BAZNAS productive zakat through the Z Chicken program, namely with the concept of a fried chicken franchise business that has a wide market share, with capital assistance and carts for selling along with complete equipment worth Rp. 9,000,000 for each musatahik. With the aim of building economic independence, increasing income, and becoming a new muzakki when income has reached the nisab. This research presents a systematic review of international and national journals on entrepreneurship education. The result of this research is a conceptual framework designed to provide new insights into the relationship between productive zakat utilization and mustahik welfare. Zakat utilization accompanied by entrepreneurship education by providing materials, entrepreneurship assignments, activeness in the program, and field practice can strengthen a positive influence on the welfare of mustahik. Faridna Agung Cahyono, Edi Cahyono, Ahmad Mifdhol Muthohar Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 BETWEEN THE RED BRIDGE AND PAPUA'S ECONOMIC REVIVAL Papua, with its unique culture and abundant natural resources, faces great challenges in economic development and improving the welfare of its people. This article discusses the symbolism of the Red Bridge as an icon connecting development in Papua, and its role in supporting the region's economic revival. The study includes an analysis of infrastructure development efforts, local resource management, and the development of community-based economic potential. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, this study utilized in-depth interviews, field observations, and documentation studies to obtain relevant data. Analysis was conducted using an interactive approach, involving data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and simultaneous conclusion drawing. The results show that the Red Bridge is not only a physical infrastructure, but also a symbol of hope, connectivity, and integration of Papua in the dynamics of national development. This article emphasizes the importance of collaboration between the government, local communities, and the private sector in creating inclusive economic sustainability in Papua, while making the Red Bridge icon an inspiration for the revival of other regions in Indonesia. Hendra Yulia Rahman Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Human Rights in the Sexual Sector (Sexual Freedom) as a Challenge to Islamic Philosophy The differences of universal Human Rights (HAM) principles and traditional values in Islam, especially related to the application of maqashid al-shari'ah in different social and cultural contexts, cause tension between the two. The aim of this research is to analyze the philosophical approach to Human Rights (HAM) from the perspective of contemporary Islamic thought. This research uses qualitative methods with a literature study approach, analyzing classical Islamic texts, international human rights documents, and the thoughts of modern Islamic intellectuals. Data collection techniques were carried out through document review and textual analysis of relevant primary and secondary sources. Data were analyzed using descriptive-analytic techniques to identify the relationship between the concept of maqashid al-shari'ah and human rights values. The research results show that the concept of maqashid al-shari'ah in Islam - which includes the protection of life, reason, religion, property and descent—in line with universal human rights principles. Islam has a philosophical framework that is able to support the recognition of human rights, although its implementation in the context of Muslim societies often faces challenges, especially from conservative Islamic groups. Contemporary Islamic thought, such as that offered by Masdar F. Mas'udi and the NU Bahtsul Masail Commission, provides an inclusive interpretation of human rights, including issues of gender equality and sexual freedom. This research concludes that a dialogical approach that integrates Islamic values with global human rights can create harmony between the two. Recommendations are given to continue more in-depth studies in aligning the application of human rights with the socio-cultural context of Muslim communities to achieve wider acceptance. Nurani, Ahmad Nurcholis, Intan Sari Dewi Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 ISLAMIC LEFTISM AND THE CRITIQUE OF MODERNISM: AN ANALYSIS OF HASSAN HANAFI'S THOUGHT IN A POSTMODERN FRAMEWORK Islamic modernism is considered to have failed to accommodate the needs of Muslims in facing social, economic and political injustice, because it is too oriented towards Western values without paying attention to the local context. This research aims to analyze the concept of the Islamic Left developed by Hassan Hanafi as a critique of Islamic modernism, as well as to explore the relevance of this thought in facing contemporary socio-political challenges such as social injustice, imperialism, and capitalism. The Islamic Left offers a new framework that positions Islam as a liberating force by emphasizing the values of social justice, emancipation, and resistance to structural domination. This study also evaluates the relationship of Hanafi's thought with postmodernism, especially in terms of its rejection of a single narrative and its pluralist approach. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature analysis technique, which includes a review of Hassan Hanafi's major works and supporting literature relevant to Islamic philosophy, social theory, and the critique of postmodernism. A descriptive-analytical approach is applied to relate Hanafi's ideas to current global challenges, such as economic exploitation, social inequality, and cultural domination. The results show that the Islamic Left offers a profound critique of modernism. Islam is considered to have failed to meet the needs of Muslims contextually. Hanafi's thinking is in line with the idea of postmodernism in rejecting universalism, while still maintaining fundamental values such as social justice and the transformation of the ummah. This idea is relevant in building a more just and democratic society in the midst of current global dynamics. Muhammad Syafi'ul Fajar, Ahmad Nurcholis, Intan Sari Dewi Copyright (c) 2025 Tue, 25 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000