BPJS Health Patient Guarantee on Claim for Birth Operation with The Indonesian Case Base Groups System Maqaship Syariah Perspective
Kata Kunci:
Guarantee, Health BPJS, Maqashid SyariahAbstrak
The background of this research is that the claims payment system using INA-CBGs often results in problems in type C hospitals where the INA-CBG's tariff system is considered to be burdensome for hospitals because the comparison between INA-CBG's rates and real costs is very much different, one of which is the cost of caesarean delivery. for BPJS Health participants. Claims for INA-CBGs for caesarean section are based on the type of hospital and cost sharing is not allowed by the patient if the patient uses BPJS Health services according to class and drug administration must comply with the national formulary which is the provision of BPJS Health.
The formulation of the problems in this study are: (1) How is the guarantee for BPJS Kesehatan patients in claims for childbirth operations with the Indonesian Case Base Groups Perspective Maqashid Syariah system? (2) What is the practice of paying BPJS Kesehatan patients for claims for childbirth operations with the Indonesian Case Base Groups system at Bhayangkara Tulungagung Hospital? (3) What is the impact caused by BPJS Health patients on claims for childbirth operations with the Indonesian Case Base Groups system at Bhayangkara Tulungagung Hospital in terms of Maqashid Syariah Perspective?
To analyze the assurance of BPJS Kesehatan patients on claims for childbirth operations with the Indonesian Case Base Groups Perspective Maqashid Syariah system.
The results of this study indicate that (1) Guarantee of BPJS Kesehatan patients in claims for childbirth operations with the Indonesian Case Base Groups system in accordance with maqashid sharia protection for life/life (ḥifẓ al-nafs) where this protection is realized by making decisions at the right time to add medicines or replace them with drugs that are more needed by patients even with the consequence that the INS CBGs claim value is less than the operational costs incurred by Bhayangkara Tulungagung Hospital. (2) The practice of paying BPJS Kesehatan patients for claims for childbirth operations with the Indonesian Case Base Groups system at Bhayangkara Hospital is lower than the fee for service rate, causing the hospital to take efficiency measures by cutting actions that are not cost effective. (3) The impact caused by BPJS Kesehatan patients on claims for childbirth operations with the Indonesian Case Base Groups system at Bhayangkara Tulungagung Hospital can be handled properly so that the benefits of religion and the world can be realized in accordance with Maqashid Syariah Hifdz An-Nafs.
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