
  • Eko Sulistiyanto Pascasarjana UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
  • Ahmad Bachtiar Firdaus Pascasarjana UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung

Kata Kunci:

Scout, Educational Philosophy, Character Building


This study aims to analyze the character values ​​contained in Sandi Wijaya Pramuka Unnes. This research uses a literature study method that uses articles, journals, and books. Character is a person's character, character, morals, or personality which is formed from the results of internalizing various virtues that are believed and used as a basis for perspective, thinking, behaving, and acting. The Scout Movement is a scouting organization that focuses on developing character, skills, and a love of nature and society. Sandi Wijaya Pramuka Racana Wijaya Unnes departs from the deepest reality of ethics, namely the obligation to behave properly. In addition, Sandi Wijaya also comes from noble values ​​contained in society, traditions, religion, and national ideology. Sandi Wijaya is expected to be able to realize Racana Wijaya scout members who understand knowledge and practice the teachings contained in the norms of the scout movement in everyday life. The character values ​​contained in Sandi Wijaya include 1) unyielding nature; 2) Confidence; 3) honest; 4) intelligent; 5) Patriotism; 6) creative; 7) having good morals; 8) Taqwa; 9) modest/humility; 10) Sensitive to the surrounding environment. .Character is a moral and mental quality whose formation is influenced by innate and environmental factors. The potential for good character a person has before birth must be continuously developed through socialization and education. Good or bad habits in students and the younger generation which indicate the quality of character are influenced by nurturing and nurturing factors. The process of socialization or education in the process of forming students' character lies in the role of parents (family), educational institutions, society and government.


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