Living Quran, Baduy Muallaf, Sosiologi AntropologiAbstract
This study aims to explore a phenomenon about the living quran in the Baduy muallaf in the form of activities that integrate the study of the science of the Koran in their daily lives so as to form habits and have a good impact through the application of the living quran. The method in this study is a sociological anthropological study and descriptive qualitative. Data collection was carried out using literature studies and direct interviews with the Baduy converts to Islam. The discussion in this paper is about the effectiveness of the application of the living quran in baduy converts and also the response and enthusiasm of the baduy converts to the application of the living quran. By doing research such as interviews, observation and documentation. The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence the Koran has in making Islamic religious education for the Baduy Maullaf community in the Landeuh village, Lebak Banten, by taking a sociological anthropological approach because they see Baduy residents as one of the people who are thick with the culture and traditions they adhere to.
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