NAHR (RIVER) AS AN ICON OF HEAVEN (Interpretation Analysis of Q.S 47:12-15 Contextual Theory Abdullah Saeed Perspective)
Kata Kunci:
Abdullah Saeed, Contextual, Nahr (River)Abstrak
This article seeks to put Abdullah Saeed's approach to the contextual approach into practice. On the other hand, this article's verse is about the Nahr (river) image in heaven, which appears as a heaven icon. This verse was chosen to respond to the times' problems in modern-day sensory (seeing), leading us to a life that sparkles like heaven. Tajri> min tah}tiha> al-Anha>r is one of the things described in the Qur'an regarding the atmosphere of heaven (below it flows river water). People nowadays appear to be questioning the verses. If merely water runs beneath the floor, Dubai or other wealthy countries appear to be far more wonderful. This paper employs Abdullah Saeed's contextual technique to examine the picture of paradise in the Qur'an to address this concern. As a result of the analysis, it is discovered that the verse's value refers to materialism luxury, but Allah's communication media. He claims to be of more value than human life in the world. Allah revealed that verse using the story of running clean water in the desert, parched, hot, and far from springs.
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